Thursday, September 8, 2016

There's this awful smell nosleep

My boyfriend and I live in a studio apartment in the heart of a major city. For privacy reasons I won't disclose my actual location. Our apartment building is very old, and is less than a block away from a pretty large college. We live there because they price the apartments in the area pretty low so that students can afford it. Because of the proximity to the school, a lot of students live in our building. By the end of the summer we had all new neighbors. The two Asian girls across the hall were replaced with a young couple, seemingly going to the college for graduate school. They seem nice, quiet, good taste in furniture. The apartment to the left of us used to belong to a young man who I never really saw until he was moving out. The apartment to the right of us was a couple who was always very quiet. The couple that replaced them was very tall, and had very straight jet black hair. I only saw them in passing as they were entering their apartment. I Didn't even register their faces because I was bringing in laundry. That night my boyfriend and I left for a trip to Maine to visit his parents. We arrived home late Monday night. When we got into the apartment my boyfriend ran to the bathroom. That's when I noticed it. "What is that smell?" I called to him in the bathroom. He walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on his pants. "What smell? I don't smell anything." Unfortunately my boyfriend is a smoker and has virtually no sense of smell, So i decided to ignore it, and began unpacking our bags. Later in the evening when I was getting ready for bed, I heard a loud thump on the right wall of our apartment. That's when I smelled it again. If I had to describe it I would say it was like a mix of rotting meat and potting soil. "Oh my god, can you not smell that?!" I asked my boyfriend while holding my nose. "Smell what?" He looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh my god it's disgusting. Did something spoil while we were gone?" I begin frantically searching the kitchen for the source. My boyfriend laughed to himself as I threw away anything that could possibly be the culprit. I tossed some chicken I made last week, the milk I bought before we left for Maine and some sour cream I can't even remember buying. I put it all in the trash bag and took it out to the trash room, hoping that I was rid of the smell. I fell asleep early, exhausted from Traveling. A little bit of information about myself, I work a weird job with an even weirder schedule. I start at 4 am sometimes so I am up at 3 or 3:30 those days. So when I woke up the next morning at 3:15 I began my morning routine. Got up, got dressed, put my lunch in my backpack. As I started to brush my teeth. It hit me like a bag of bricks. The smell was.. Worse! Stronger and more potent the smell almost brought tears to my eyes. I searched desperately to find the smell, but again found nothing overly suspicious. I emptied the small amount of trash inside the bathroom garbage can. I kissed my boyfriend goodbye and locked up the apartment. While locking the door I noticed that the apartment to the right of us was opened. Not like wide open, but the door was cracked. I thought it was strange enough to pass by a little slower than I normally would. I couldn't see anything weird other then the fact that the door was opened. I ignored it, the city girl in me told me to mind my own business. All was normal at work, no smells. When I work at 4am I normally get off in the early afternoon. I got off at around 2 and stopped at the grocer store across the street from my job on the way home. I picked up a lot of the things I had thrown out the night prior, in addition to some odds and ends we were missing in the house. I also picked up a heavy duty mop and some bleach for the bathroom and kitchen. I could only presume that the smell was coming from some sort of mold in the shower or the sink. I hailed a cab and let myself into the building. I headed up to the room when I remembered that I had to grab a package from the front office. I dropped my groceries on the floor and proceeded to the office one floor down. I signed for my package, and walked back up the stairs. As soon as I stepped into my apartment, I smelled it. This time it didn't startle me, I was expecting it this time. I put the groceries in the fridge and got to work on the bathroom. I put on my rubber gloves and filled the bathtub with hot water. I poured a good amount of bleach into the water and dunked the mop inside. I scrubbed that bathroom top to bottom, and when I was done I did the same to the kitchen, spending extra time on the inside of the refrigerator and shower, insuring there would be no moldy surprises in my future. When I was finished I put away the cleaning supplies and plopped myself in front of the TV. A few minutes later I was engrossed in Grey's anatomy, finally reaching a bit of relaxation. Our couch sits against the right wall of our apartment, facing the white wall where our projector displays its picture. I hear what sounds like Hammers and drills coming from next door. 'Finally' I thought to myself, 'they're doing something normal for once.' About an hour later there was a knock at the door. Now before I continue I want to stress how odd this was to begin with. Most people don't know where I live, and my boyfriend isn't very social. So I rarely have any visitors, especially unexpected ones. When I peeked through the little hole on the door I saw the tall man standing there. I only knew it was him because he was so tall I couldn't even see his head through the peephole. I hesitated before opening the door. My boyfriend wasn't home yet, and I watch too much cable so the worst case scenario was left to my imagination. I pushed my seemingly unnecessary paranoia aside and began to unlock the door. As soon as I opened it, the smell almost knocked me unconscious. It took me a moment to focus on the man. His arms and legs were thin and long, almost as if someone had pulled on them and they had stretched them. In fact I was so distracted by the arms and the legs that I didn't even look at his face until I greeted him. "Hello..?" I said quietly looking up slowly. And that's when it hit me. He had no fucking face. I swear to fucking God. I never saw anything like it. It was like one of those creepy Amish Dolls. I slammed the door shut and dead bolted it. I called my boyfriend but he was busy at work. I called my best friend and she said she read something similar on this subreddit. I'm hoping one of you can tell me what the fuck is living next door and how the hell I get it to go the fuck away. If I have anymore encounters with them, I suppose I will let you know.

Submitted September 08, 2016 at 08:48PM by Elliecupcakes nosleep

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