Thursday, November 5, 2015

TIFU by looking at pictures of stoves at school tifu

TIFU, or rather last year I did. This happened during my senior year of high school. I was in my Principles of Engineering class, and we were designing tiny houses. The houses needed to have a place to sleep, a bathroom, and a kitchen. I figured I'd save some space by getting one of those stoves that also has a built-in refrigerator and sink. So, I proceed to go on google images to find a good brand/model. I find a nice-looking one and proceeded to click "visit page". Well, after I went to the page, I got a screen that has my school's logo on it and says "You are not allowed to view this page because it is categorized as porn." I'm a little confused, but our school's filtering system is pretty weird. I think that maybe I accidentally clicked on something else. I try again, and the same thing happens. After the third attempt at finding out more about this stove, I get a message: "You are suspended from internet use for the next 24 hours" (or something like that). I ended up being a day behind on the project because I couldn't get the dimensions for the stove and had to go to school early one day so I could finish it. Also, when I tried going to the page at home, it was just the website for the company that makes the stove. I have no idea why my school thought it was pornographic. I'm glad I don't go to that school anymore because they banned pretty much everything that wasn't gmail and their own website. tl;dr: Tried doing research on a stove, got banned from the internet for looking at "porn".

Submitted November 06, 2015 at 06:20AM by Titanslayer000 tifu

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