Friday, November 6, 2015

"Then Emma Watson put down the Xbox controller and looked deeply into my eyes..." copypasta

Then Emma Watson put down the Xbox controller and looked deeply into my eyes and leaned in close, the glow of the screen reflecting off of her eyes. "I want you," she whispered, "I want you to have sex with me." I was excited, but not surprised; what movie starlet wouldn't want to have sex with an honor student/purple belt in karate like me? Emma took my hand and led me to the bedroom, but not before grabbing a capri-sun from the refrigerator for later. "I've always wanted you," said Emma Watson as she lay down on my unmade bed. And then the sex began, I put my hand on her leg and she slowly touched my wiener. It. Was. Amazing. Emma and I took our clothes off and kissed naked for a really llong time; our tongues were inside each other's mouths. I could see all of her boobs and her whole butt. A boy never forgets his first rager. Emma then asked me to put my penis inside her. After a minute of uncontrollable giggling, I obliged and after two minutes of glorious, sweaty lovemaking I screamed "Hermione!" and finally became a man.

I don't know the original source of this, but it was going around /r/circlejerk a few years ago.

Submitted November 07, 2015 at 11:34AM by Soarel2 copypasta

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