Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Possible disabled housing discrimination (FL) legaladvice

We live in central Florida.

I am a social worker and have a client who is disabled. She requires a wheelchair to get around and cannot walk. She lives in a moderately sized apartment complex (more than 50 units), with her mother, who is also disabled but to a lesser extent (meaning she can walk independently, for very short distances).

It has been brought to my attention that my patient may be suffering discrimination from the management of her apartment complex.

*She cannot get to the dumpster so she apparently has an arrangement that she can leave her trash outside the apartment and the management will see to it that the trash gets to the dumpster. Only they don't. The trash bags sit there for days, if not weeks, and start stinking, or if she's really lucky, leaking. As the trash bags are right outside her door, and they accumulate, it effectively blocks her inside her apartment.

*Her mail is supposed to be brought to her by management, but they don't bring it everyday. They bring it whenever they feel like it... every few days. She gets some of her medication and other time sensitive things in her mail, but management can't be counted on to bring it to her on a daily basis.

*She cannot get into the bathroom of her own apartment in her wheelchair. She wears diapers for other reasons, but, come on, she can't get into the bathroom!

*Her refrigerator is not working correctly and alternates between freezing and not cooling at all. Some of her medications require refrigeration, and the alternating environs of her fridge means that the medications and certain other things spoil more quickly, causing her extra expenses and having to go without.

She has filed a work order request for the refrigerator that has gone unnoticed for the past couple of weeks. She has also sent emails, and tried calling the office, about the mail and the trash and the bathroom, but they either go unanswered or she gets a "we'll take care of it" standard answer and feels like she is not taken seriously.

She is on hospice care and has a life expectancy of less than 6 months, so I'm looking for the most expedient answer. She's really been served a raw deal by life in the past year or two; it would be nice for her to get some justice.


Submitted November 04, 2015 at 03:47AM by floridianreader http://ift.tt/1l6Ijh1 legaladvice

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