Friday, November 6, 2015

Deconstructing upper middle classes of India, what are the quintessential characters that define them? india

/r/India, I am doing some research of upper middle classes of India, I need some help deconstructing them.

What does make a family upper middle class?

What are the most common characters that define middle classes?

Is it the availability of things in the house or the ability to afford healthcare whenever needed.

I have come up with the following things that define upper middle class people around here.

  1. They have either steel fences or brick walls surrounding their property, and steel gates instead of bamboo ones.

  2. Their house is almost always RCC, 2 stories minimum, but can extend upto 5-6 stories.

  3. They have AC in their house.

  4. They have 2-3 refrigerators

  5. Their food habit is expensive, they always consume the branded stuff instead of the generic ones. They also do not bargain a lot in the shops and often eat non-veg regularly.

  6. They drink coffee instead of tea

  7. The furniture in their houses is often luxurious and made of extremely nice wood, they have a lot of glass furniture too and have many beds with spring mattress instead of the ones that is made of "tula" by mattress makes that travel on bicycles.

  8. Their utensils are so nice like the one we see on cooking shows and they use the electric oven more than the gas stove and they use the mixie a lot too.

  9. They wear branded clothes, from brand's official outlets. Levis and expensive leather jackets are worn by them and they wear shoes like Woodland.

  10. They have many laptops and computers in the house and have broadband internet with wifi.

  11. They have flat LCD TVs with big screens and paid satellite TVs.

  12. They have postpaid phone connections and expensive Android phones.

  13. They have inverters and generators in the house for backup power.

  14. They regularly go for medical checkups.

  15. They have 2-3 cars in their household and motorbikes too.

  16. They organize parties with balloons and stuff and cakes on birthdays.

  17. Their whole family goes to eat out at restaurants occasionally

  18. Their kids go to private schools wearing nice uniforms and they take tiffin to school.

  19. Their houses have tiles or marble flooring.

  20. They often have big intimidating dogs

These are my observations after closely observing various upper middle class families around here, what are the other aspects of them? Could anyone, especially those from the upper middle class could chime in their observations and viewpoints?

Submitted November 06, 2015 at 11:42PM by iamsosorryiloveyou india

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