Thursday, April 23, 2015

Need help with designing a kitchen DesignMyRoom

Hey folks,

we just moved into a new apartment and are having a really hard time to plan our kitchen. We have some specific desires/plans that are difficult to implement with the layout of the room, which you can find here:

We basically would like to keep the left side of the room free for a small table and 2 chairs + a small cupboard we already have.

On the right side, the sink, the oven, dish washer, refrigerator and a small cabinet (for forks, knives, etc..) have to fit. How would you shape the countertop? We were thinking about a straight line, but then there is no room for the cabinet anymore.

Thanks in advance for any helpful input!

Submitted April 24, 2015 at 01:47AM by mape2k DesignMyRoom

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