Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lazy win breakingmom

Our dog is a big old German Shepherd that gets lazy if he doesn't have something to do. The latest thing I've been teaching him is to take stuff to my husband. It started because the remote was on my side of the living room and my husband wanted it. So I have a nipple infection that hurts like hell and I can only feed baby on one side so I'm pumping on the other. I was in the nursery because baby was overdue for a nap so I was hoping to trick her into falling asleep. It didn't work and I didn't come prepared. (she was supposed to go to sleep, damn it!)

Crap. Baby is screaming her head off. Maybe if I can burp her, it will distract her until I can get a bottle. It works but now I'm afraid to stop lest she start howling again. As I'm walking around the room bouncing her on my shoulder and patting her back, I spy the diaper bag. Carefully, I open it. Score! There's an empty bottle. Call the dog. He comes rushing in. Give him the command and put the bottle in his mouth. "Take it to daddy!" Puppy trots away. Hear husband in living room. "What have you got there? Do you have something for me? Let me have it. Good boy! Let's go get a treat!" No! Treats later, crying baby now! They go to the kitchen and I hear the treat bag rustling. Then miracle upon miracles, the refrigerator opening. Here he comes to save the day! Hubby walks in with bottle full of breast milk! Quickly insert into baby's mouth and breathe a sigh of relief. Puppy gets all the treats!

I'm telling you ladies, I have never been so relieved that I taught my dog a trick. Most of them have been important like finding mommy or daddy if we're separated or come here now, but this started out as a joke. (Though I'm sure it will prove useful.) This story could have gone much differently if it weren't for Rebel and the quick thinking of hubby.

Submitted May 01, 2015 at 07:54AM by whiskeyjane45 breakingmom

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