Tuesday, September 6, 2016

So, my only choices are motherhood or "crazy cat lady?" childfree

This weekend, I ran into a former coworker ("D") and her mom. I hadn't seen D in about 8 yrs, and I'd always liked her, so we spent a few min. chatting and catching up. D's mom was absorbed with her phone, but occasionally looked up at us and smiled or laughed--she seemed like a nice woman, complimented my purse, which my mom had sewn, etc. D had a couple kids since I last saw her, but we're FB friends, so I've seen some pics and updates. D asked me about my writing, and then her mom cut in, "oh, look at [basic baby name]! He's so adorable!" She thrust her phone at me. It was a kid in a high chair with food all over his face. "Do you have any kids?" she gushed. I said no, and D laughed and said no, too. She knows me. She's cool with it. D's mom said, "well, that's too bad. What do you do?" I said I travel, and work, and write, and she was just shaking her head. I reiterated I didn't want them, my life is great the way it is, and I said, "Thanks for your concern, but I'm fulfilled. I have a good life."

D's mom shook her head sadly again. "I know I don't know you, but I don't believe that. Life without children isn't a life worth living." (Like, she was reading off a refrigerator magnet or something!) D laughed again, "OK, mom, to each their own." I just shrugged and said I do fine, and now it's time to exit, stage left! I hugged D and said it was nice seeing her. Her mom said it was nice to meet me, and then had to add, "good luck with your life. I hope you don't end up a crazy cat lady." Oh, for fuck's sake... I mean, I'm allergic to cats. :)

D gave me an apologetic look as I walked away, and I'm sure the next few min. were spent calming her mom down. Damn, some people.

Submitted September 06, 2016 at 10:33PM by crowgasm http://ift.tt/2caANAx childfree

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