Friday, September 9, 2016

How I go grocery shopping nosleep

I had awakened slowly, my dreams had been vivid and nice. I struggled to hold on to the last scraps of them but with my now alert state, they slipped away like water between fingers. Sighing I had stretched my arms over my head. Then I sat up, it was Saturday, which meant no work, I had been free to play. First though, breakfast. I had arched out of bed and tousled my bright red hair out of its confines, letting fall down my back. I loved the color red. It was by far my favorite. I shrugged into some yoga pants and then padded softly to the kitchen. I liked to try to eat healthy but I had a weakness for bacon, especially my bacon. I’d grown up on a farm and liked to harvest and cure the long pig myself. I had set out a frying pan and added a few slices of my bacon to the middle. While it started to sizzle satisfyingly in the background I prepared a small yogurt with granola. The smell of frying meat wafted through the kitchen. I had smiled and flipped them over, getting them all nice and crispy, the way I liked it. When it was finished I dished out my breakfast onto a small plate, I crunched down on the meat and enjoyed the taste as the fat melted in my mouth. With breakfast over I had dressed for the day, simple, jeans and a t shirt, which hugged my body closely. I had pulled on some flats and left my house. I needed to go grocery shopping, my refrigerator was almost barren. I had taken a walk in the park and smiled at the kids playing on the swings. I missed being young, everything was so much easier back then. As I had rounded a corner, I had run straight into a tall handsome stranger. He was by far the most attractive man I had seen in a while. I had licked my lips, delicious I thought as my gaze dropped down to his stomach where his shirt clung to a very obvious six pack. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry" I’d blurted out and reached a hand to his shoulder. Mmm yes, there was definitely a lot of definition to his body. "No, I'm sorry I should have been looking where I was going." He grinned sheepishly, his eyes had assessed me right back. I had smiled, this is what I was looking for. This was definitely what I had been looking for. "Hey, I hope this isn't too forward but do you want to grab a coffee?" I’d let my hand linger on his shoulder and gave him a thousand watt smile. He glanced at his watch and started to hesitate, then looked back at me. "If it's quick, I'd love to, I just have a meeting in an hour." I‘d let my hand follow the inside line of his arm and slip into his hand, I’d turned and dragged him back down the path, towards a local coffee shop. We’d spent the next hour, flirting and touching, laughing and enjoying each each others company. I’d let my hand slip down to his thigh and squeezed, enjoying the feel of his hard muscle under my touch. I’d slid it a little further up and gave him another squeeze, my mouthwatering at the sensation. “Yummy.” I smirked at him. He’d stared at me, a little taken back by my boldness. "I live right over there," I’d pointed across his shoulder. "Want to come back to my place?" He’d glanced at his watch, hesitating between making that meeting and the promise I was making him for an afternoon of fun. He knew he'd never get a second chance so he’d nodded.

"Lead the way, I'd love to." Giggling I had pulled him to his feet and dropped a ten on the table, to pay for the coffee we had barely touched. He’d pulled me to him and slightly brushed the bottom of my breasts and kissed at my ear. We’d hurried across the street and I had fumbled with the keys and finally the door to my house sprung open. We’d tumbled in, hands groping and smiles splashed across our faces. "Hold on, let me slip into something a little more comfortable." I’d reached down and grabbed a handful of his bulging crotch before skipping away into my room. I picked up my favorite toy off my dresser and slipped out of my jeans, leaving the t shirt on. Hiding the toy behind my back I had walked back out to him. He grabbed me and roughly pulled me closer, our bodies merging into the negative spaces. Finally I’d brought my mouth up to his and kissed him before pushing him down on the chair in my kitchen. ‘d moaned and moved to straddle him. "I love the way you taste," I’d moaned into his ear. "I can't wait to try more." With that I brought my toy out from behind my back. His eyes widened as he saw the knife for the first time. "Wait, whoa, what?" He tried to stand but I had been faster and I brought the knife in an efficient swipe right across his throat, slashing the carotid artery. His last words had gurgled and died in his throat as blood filled his mouth and poured down the front of his shirt. His eyes had stayed glued to mine as the light fled them. He’d taken one last rattling breath and died. I do love shopping days, it’s so easy to find meat these days.

Submitted September 09, 2016 at 11:46PM by saberhagens nosleep

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