Friday, September 9, 2016

Cooler weather is finally here, so I can restart my morning walks! YAY! loseit

I have lupus and live in FL -- crazy, right, with how heat affects lupus? Anyway, this is where I live because cold is even worse for me. In the summer, I'm basically a prisoner in my apartment except for very early mornings or at night. Not having a car, I walk or bike almost everywhere. I prefer walking.

So in the summer, walking even less than a mile to the grocery store early, early in the morning (leaving here at 6:45 am) is torture because of the humidity and then walking back is worse, because it starts getting too hot for me about 8:30-9 am. If I'm out after 10 a.m., I am pretty much wiped out for the day. Did I say lupus sucks?

I live for September! It has been really nice and cool in the mornings now, and I'm going to start back on my daily walks to and from the shopping center (1.2 miles one way). I always walk as fast as I can both ways, although on the way back dragging the loaded down rolling backpack can slow me down a bit.

That's 2.4+ miles a day added to my 30 minutes of step aerobics and band exercises. I'm pretty psyched about this, plus it will allow me to get fresh food every day instead of it losing its nutrition in the refrigerator.

Submitted September 09, 2016 at 11:12PM by anybodyanywhere loseit

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