Friday, September 9, 2016

ADHD and Gardening ADHD

Every spring i get so excited about planting the garden. I get hyper-focused on planning and planting. I start off with a very strict habit of watering and weeding. And I Love It. I have a fairly large garden.

About half way through summer, my excitement starts to wane and the passion becomes a chore. I'm not focused anymore. I forget to water and weed. I set alarms, i snooze them or turn them off. If i make it outside i usually get distracted by something in the garden.. Or one of the kids, or a neighbor, or a dog barking, or the thought of how if the wind blew just slightly different a single piece of pollen could have landed several houses away... Or about how i should have bookmarked that webpage that i didn't finish reading; but it doesn't really matter anyway because ill never go back to finish reading it, Or something else...

Anyway, its now the end of summer has come and I am harvesting what i can from my garden, but im feeling down because my garden is all dried and shrivelled. It could be so much better had i watered and spent more time focused. Now ill take my bounty inside set it on the table or put in the refrigerator until i can jar it up or cook it. The family will pick at the fresh bounty for a few days, then it will start to spoil. I will have forgotten about it, and it will all go to compost. Ill start to question if I should even do a garden next year. This lasts about 5 minutes until i forget, then I'm on to something else.

Next year, the process and the excitement will start all over again...

Anyway... The point is that i get too focused on planning and fail miserably at execution. This can be a metaphor for almost everything in my life.

Are others the same way?

Submitted September 09, 2016 at 07:22PM by jerunh ADHD

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