Friday, July 1, 2016

TIFU by ordering $1.2 million in appliances for nonexistent homes tifu

Back in March '16 I confirmed a purchase order for over 1 million dollars worth of refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, et cetera for an apartment complex that I'd just started to build. I included with my order a delivery date of June 22, neglecting to specify which year.

Well June 22 2016 rolled around, we didn't even have roads yet, and I got a call confirming that a driver was on his way with a metric fuckload of appliances, and needed to know where to park when he arrived.

I 'calmly' asked the dispatcher to return them to the warehouse and not charge me for them yet, but not before my boss was asked by the appliance company's manager where we would be storing them. He walked up to me as I was finishing up explaining I wanted them in 2017, not today, and he looked a couple degrees off from livid.

The appliances were taken back, amazingly, but I was on probation for a week, which means I got to rinse the mud off of everyone's tires all day... Nothing like spraying reclaimed water in 100 degree heat.

TL;DR I accidentally bought appliances for 300 apartments that didn't yet exist

Submitted July 01, 2016 at 09:51PM by Alex_Demote tifu

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