Saturday, July 30, 2016

[TOMT] [VIDEO GAME] Old PC one-animated-screenshot-at-a-time puzzle type game where you were stuck in an asylum and had to type commands like, "Look under desk", "Unplug refrigerator", "Open refrigerator", etc. tipofmytongue

It was first person and you were locked inside a modern asylum (maybe?) where the goal was to get out. The front door was locked and I believe the end goal was to get the key that opened it.

The game was one picture at a time and you had to type commands to do stuff like "Open door" and then under where you typed that it would say, "You opened the door".
I remember one part had you look under a desk and find a mini fridge which you could put a cup of water into and you could unplug the fridge.

There were male and female orderlies guarding a door and you had to bribe them to get past.
You would turn down a specific hallway and all of a sudden there was a green monster blocking your path and you had to give him something to get past.

I didn't get too far into the game but there was no action or health bar or anything like that.

It was simply a puzzle type game that made you figure out trial-and-error style what to do to progress.

Submitted July 31, 2016 at 07:35AM by Zuul29 tipofmytongue

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