Sunday, July 31, 2016

Oh, Sundays! starbucks

Well, I've been reading everyone else's Sunday irritation, so. Here's mine.

I walk in as the mid-shift to a SM who told me "Hey, I didn't do anything today because sewage backed in to the bar area from the drains and when I texted our DM, I was told to keep the store open. Plus an opener called out."

Oh. Okay.

That happened at 9:30, a plumber was out at like 10:30-11, but at noon the floors were still wet and everyone was just staring at me. With dead eyes.

I had one partner do drive thru/front with another doing tasking and the final on DT bar because the smell was so terrible at front bar, everyone almost gagged just standing there. So I drug the mats from the BOH to the patio at front of the building... To spray them with cleaner and a garden hose.

After that, I dry mopped. And used towels to do the rest of the water. I kept telling partners that I wasn't going to just let the shit water sit there while I mopped and just swirled clean and shit water together. So. Towels while I danced across the bar area with them to finish drying. Then sweeping everywhere, pulling out refrigerators as I go...

Finally, mopping. With bathroom cleaner. Because I'm not kneeling down to clean more shit drains in shit water.

I worked three and a half hours straight to clean up five hour old shit water, throwing out any boxes on the floor, the drain brush, the cleaner, any gloves I used, and the broom while everything else soaked in floor cleaner and sanitizer... But y'know.

At least I didn't have to work while wading through it like the morning crew, I guess?

Submitted August 01, 2016 at 04:30AM by VexingVendibles starbucks

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