Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ready to give up; I am broken, car is broken, fridge is broken, and we are broke. breakingmom

My car broke down on the way home from another city where I was delivering something for work. Apparently a gasket started leaking and I lost three quarts of oil. I might have heard it rattle if I hadn't been on hour three of a trip with two children, highway speeds, and music. It is basically going to be totaled.

Husband and I have no other car and both work at the same place an hour walk away from home. I am working overnights currently and there will be no buses running then, so for me at least there's no option other than walk (I am looking into finding a craigslist bicycle.) Speaking of jobs, I hate mine. I've worked for the same people for a decade and I don't feel my loyalty is being/going to be rewarded. I don't feel valued and I am not learning anything any longer. I am beyond ready for a career change!

We have no savings to buy even a cheap car, we don't make enough to make decent payments on a vehicle, and our refrigerator seems to have just broken. We are renting, so maybe we can at least get landlord to fix that one?

Submitted July 04, 2016 at 12:32AM by Bookworm57 breakingmom

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