Friday, July 1, 2016

Nmum and the window raisedbynarcissists

So right now we live in a glass building without insulation for whatever reason. And there seems to be a new weird weather change along these parts meaning its been more cold than it ever has in awhile. My bedroom window faces the hallway, in fact I dont actually have a window because if I open it up people can look right into my room No privacy. Shitty building design i know but i had no choice and have to live here for now. So with that being said with the cold and everything I have chosen to keep the window shut close and locked.

  So now also on top of that we had a problem with my bathroom zink and this prompted my Nmum to be more annoying with coming into my room while I'm asleep. Every morning at 7am she would come into my room, put on all the lights complain about the smell that was coming from the zink and loudly talk to herself while trying to clean up my bathroom. Now with the shitty design that is my building the bathroom and the bedroom is sort of an ensuite. No doors. So when she comes in and does her thing, she wakes me up everytime. So oneday I had decided enough was enough and locked my door one night.

  So to my disadvantage this happened to be the day Nmum decides on her own without telling me the day before that she will hire someone to come deal with the problematic zink. So in the morning loudly at about 7 am again I heard banging on my door and I knew it was Nmum, she then loudly exclaims that the people who need to fix the zink are here and I need to wake up and open the door. All in front of the people who she hired. I wake up and open the door because she just as well made me feel guilty for locking my door, and promptly go back to sleep.

  Also a really creepy thing Nmum does and this has been going on for awhile is, she would allow strangers into my room, while I'm asleep sometimes leaving them in my room, prompting it as nothing. The last time this happened a guy had to take photographs of the apartment for whatever reason, so instead of waking me up and telling me that someone needs to take pics of my room, she prompts the guy to come inside and take the pics while I'm in bed.

  So Nmum comes inside and she allows said stranger into my room, while I'm asleep, and allows him to do the work he was suppose to do. While this is going on she again complains about the smell emitting from the zink and goes and opens up my window, in the freezing cold, and leaves said window open till God knows what time. Unfortunately I had fallen asleep right after the guy and Nmum had left to even realise that my window was open.

  Afternoon comes, I wake up and the realization hits me. I then try and close my window but for whatever reason I'm not strong enough, so it doesn't want to lock back into place. The window in theory is large and low enough for a person to walk right into my room, and it can be opened up from the outside. As Nmum had shown me dozens of times before.

  So with no lock on said window I live in fear every night now that while I'm asleep, someone might come right in and do their thing with me. Also because the window is not locked and safe, the cold from the outside is coming in and now it basically feels like a refrigerator 24/7 in my room. This has been driving me up the wall and I had decided that it was only fair of Nmum to come and fix her mistake. She then proclaims that she never opened my window, and doesn't want to stand up to help me. Any tips on how to deal with this would be helpfull. I can't go NC either right now but im looking into going to study overboard in a few years, so we all good. Thank you again for listening.

Submitted July 02, 2016 at 02:38AM by Femlucy raisedbynarcissists

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