Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Major SV - I'm below 300! And some other stuff. loseit

I'm starting in on week 6 of this weight loss. It's an exciting week for me, because I'm at the weight I was the last time I tried. I've never managed to get that far before, so this is really awesome! Also, the last time I was losing weight, I went down 40 lbs... so I know I can do at least that much again!

Besides that, I'm now below 300 again, for the first time in a couple years (and it's held on for the last three days!). It's major, because for a really long time I would tell myself that I was okay as long as I didn't go over 300, or that my normal habits just kind of put me at around 300, and that was fine. But this week, I'm back in the 200s and it is great!!!

I had a big NSV, too. I'd bought a pair of jeans online, and they wouldn't go up over my thighs when they arrived a month or so ago. Yesterday, I put them on without thinking about it -- perfect fit! It's really exciting to fit clothing that was too small in recent memory. Find myself feeling glad that I never got rid of my other "thin" jeans... That's more clothing that I don't have to buy right now!

My family is noticing that I look thinner. It's really nice to have that.

Another NSV that I hadn't even thought of until now: I'm going to the grocery store and doing my own shopping, not having groceries delivered. For months, I lived on delivery (pizza and groceries both) because I hurt too much to walk through the store. I can manage at least that much again. Regaining mobility is huge!

What I'm doing

Foodwise, I'm just counting calories. CICO is love, CICO is life. I'm also avoiding sugars (refined sugar, syrups, also artificial sweeteners) because a while ago I realized that I'm not that into sweets, and when I eat sweets it tends to trigger a binge. I need to start eating more vegetables again (was doing good with that for a few weeks, but started slacking a little). And I take a multivitamin, because I worry that a restricted calorie diet might be a little lacking in nutrition. Trying to choose home cooked over fast food wherever possible (and remembering that I'd much rather have a steak than fast food of a similar calorie count).

Exercise... I think that's going to be the next piece of this plan. I've been struggling with back pain (which was a huge wake-up call for me, I used to love being able to go for walks and hikes, even with all my fat, and I can't right now), but I've noticed that it's improved hugely with the weight loss so far. I'm excited to too see how much better it can get! I do have an exercise bike, so now I just have to use it more regularly (it hasn't morphed into a strange clothes hanger, so that's a plus).

Beyond food and exercise... I'm taking care of my emotional health more. I'm using the social sides of the app when I need support, I'm reaching out to family. That's a big thing for me, because I've never been all that comfortable asking for help. I'm noticing how I feel, and not using food to make it go away. *Editing to add: I also posted my "Why I'm Losing Weight" list on my refrigerator, and I keep my scale in the kitchen, so I have to see it whenever I'm going to make food.

Submitted July 05, 2016 at 04:25PM by krhsg http://ift.tt/29ldVeO loseit

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