Friday, July 1, 2016

I'm terrified and home alone with the baby. nosleep

Hey guys. I've never posted in here before, but I do read a lot of the posts in here. I don't know if I'm reading too much nosleep and it's messing with my brain, or if I have a legitimate reason to be scared but either way the paranormal scares the shit out of me and I am scared right now. I need advice because I don't know what to do. I don't have anywhere to go and the baby is asleep and my husband is at work.

We bought and moved into this house in October. All was well for quite some time. I never truly got the feeling of being "home" though and for some reason, I have always had a very very uneasy feeling at night time here. When my husband is here, I don't notice it as much but when I'm here alone with the kids I feel very uneasy, like I'm not safe no matter whether all doors and windows are locked or not.

A couple months into living here, I started hearing things. You know how, when someone does a particular thing in your house all the time, (ex. opening the refrigerator, closing a certain door, etc) you learn to recognize those sounds? I started hearing normal noises like someone else was in the house with me. Except there was no one but me and the kids and the kids were asleep.

The first time was when I heard the loudest bang come from the kids bathroom that sounded like someone knocked into their trash can. Our dog (he's a pit bull and chocolate lab mix) picked his head up. After that noise, I heard more banging coming from my bedroom which is in the back corner of the house. Zachary started growling. I was terrified. I called my husband crying. He made me stay on the phone with him and grab a butchers knife because I swore someone had broken into the house. Luckily he was already on his way home. (Just some info here, he works retail so a lot of nights he works until about 10:30 pm.) He got here and inspected inside and out and nobody was here, nothing was opened, it was clear that no one had broken in.

A few days goes by and it's quiet. I had forgotten about it all until a few nights later. I was sitting in the living room and heard someone walking in the kitchen and open the fridge. The dog growled again. For half a second I assumed it was my husband, and then I remembered he was at work. I froze. I didn't know what to do. It was still early, about 7 pm, so I knew I'd be alone here for a few more hours. Once I gathered the courage I started to get up. I heard another noise like someone opened the fridge and I ran to the kitchen, I don't know why I had the courage to do that because I was scared shitless. No one was there and the fridge was not opened. I didn't hear anything else that night or the following few nights until things got really weird.

About a week after hearing no more noises and starting to feel safe, I was watching tv one night while Matt was at work and I hear my 5 year old (who goes to bed at 8pm every night and never has trouble sleeping or falling asleep) start crying. Before I could get all the way to her door she was coming out of her room hysterically crying. She couldn't form a full sentence but said that my husband was going to kill her. A few minutes later she said that I was going to kill her. This really worried me. She's never talked like that and we aren't violent people, we don't allow her to watch any adult television that has any sort of violence in it, so I have absolutely no clue where that came from. She's not in school either (she starts in August). She continued to have these episodes almost every single night. She wouldn't talk much anymore though when she woke up crying. She would just cry and cry until we got her to lay back down and go to sleep.

Now let me say I realize that some kids have night terrors. But what struck me as odd is the timing of when this started and the things she said to me that very first night. She still has these night terrors sometimes. For awhile I wasn't hearing much but slowly the noises have come back.

Tonight, my 5 year old is spending the night off and husband is at work and I'm home with the baby. I was playing some Super Nintendo after the baby went to bed and out of nowhere, I heard footsteps in the kitchen again. I paused the game and my dog sat up and looked in the direction of the kitchen. We sat in silence for a few seconds that felt like minutes. Right as I'm about to play again, I heard the sound of my front door opening even though I knew it was locked. My dog is uneasy. He's growling. I jumped up and checked the front door and it's locked and there's no one outside. Suddenly the baby wakes up crying which is not unusual as in in the middle of transitioning her to sleeping in her crib, so I went into her room to put her back to sleep. I shut her door just enough to leave a crack of light and I picked her up, sat in the rocking chair with her, and started browsing Facebook. She finally falls asleep and I quietly lay my phone down so I can stand up and put her back in her bed. But before I could stand up, I see something that looks like a shadow run past the door.

Submitted July 02, 2016 at 07:54AM by rulesof_life nosleep

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