Friday, July 8, 2016

I [24 M] am driving my girlfriend [23 F] crazy due to forgetfulness and lack of common sense. relationships

For a while now, I've had a tough time with the dumbest things. I describe myself as educated, but not smart. I work helpdesk tech support, same job as my SO. (How me met.)

Anyway, my issue is that I can't seem to remember the smallest stuff. We've been dating for a while, but I still miss stuff that I shouldn't be, in day-to-day life. I forget that she doesn't like mustard on her burger when I go out to get her something. I'll forget that she asked me in the past to never empty the vacuum indoors, and make a mess.

I lack a bit of situational awareness as well. I or she will set something on the couch or bed, and a few minutes later I'll completely forget that something was there and sit on it, or knock it over.

It simply gets old, real quick. It's maddening for her to constantly 'remind' me where things are put away, what brush to use on Teflon, tell me for the 3rd time that this Sunday we're visiting her parents, after talking about our weekend plans.

Most of this boils down to forgetfulness, I think. I've tried a few things to get my memory boosted, including taking some internet pills for cognitive performance, making lists, yoga, I've started drinking more fluids and water, putting a rock in my shoe to increase mindfulness, at one point I even had a prescription for adderall. (not very strong, though, didn't notice a thing.) Nothing seems to help.

I kick myself every time something like this happens. It's ridiculously stupid stuff, every day, that I miss, or that I forget. I'm so angry at myself for my brain not making these connections that everyone else seems to be making. My SO is frustrated because this comes across as me not caring, just not giving a shit about whatever it is I'm doing. I know this is not true, because I genuinely try. I get so angry at myself when this happens. I just don't remember the little things I'm supposed to. She's also concerned because how can she trust me with future children, or to catch her if she is falling, or to provide for any future family, if I can't even remember that bread goes in the refrigerator?

Do you guys have any advice in regards to increasing mental agility? How do you remember to not forget?

tl;dr: My lack of common sense/focus, and social anxiety causes immense frustration and trust issues between my SO and I. Is there anything you guys might recommend for increasing mental alertness and memory?

Submitted July 08, 2016 at 08:57PM by throwaway156483216 relationships

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