Saturday, July 2, 2016

Having problems with jobs and it makes me feel horrible depression

Alittle backstory I suppose.

In 2013 I got my first job in retail. Worked great everyone like I and even to this day I still have my friends from that place. In April of 2014 I was approached by a guest while at work who turned out to be an employee for a staffing agency. He convinced me to quit my job and work for distribution center for another retail place for more pay. Being 18 and naive he sold me on the job and I took it. After working there for 2 weeks I was totally drained and unhappy. Working 12 hour days I had never experienced such a drain and I just walked about. The place had a high turnover rate so I told myself it was alright, but I should have put in my two weeks. I went back to my first job which took me with open arms. In October of 2015 I took another job at another retail place. They seemed like they weren't willing to comply with my school schedule so I just walked out, again not putting in my two weeks.

This time I didn't go back to my first job instead I got a job at a web design place as an intern. I worked there for about 6 months and never had a problem with anyone. I ended up putting in my two week there because I changed majors from web design to Arts-Photography and I moved too far away. So in April 2016 I quit the web design place the right way and took some time of with the money I had saved up. Two weeks ago I got two job offers one for a home improve by retailer and one with a warehouse position with my brother. Obviously I took the job with my brother after already starting with the home improvement retailer. I called the home improvement retailer and told them I took the other job. I asked if there was anyway I could be rehireable and she said no. I had only went to orientation. So that's 3 jobs I have had where I just walked out without putting in my two weeks. I have never been fired. Now this job with my brother is by far the most physical job I think I'll ever have. Just moving double stacked washers and dryers, refrigerators, and double stacked ovens all day out of trucks at starting at 2 in the morning. When interviewed I asked if they had a high turnover rate and they said no, but when I started the employees told me "you're like the 30th person in 3 months". I can't do it especially while going to school. It's so hard and early in the morning. I live with my brother who has a child so it's hard for me to get proper sleep.

I can't tell if these reasons are true or if they are excuses I just tell myself because I am a piece of shit. I have had 6 jobs in the past 3 years and I'm already going for a 7th. 3 of them have been for only two weeks. I've burned these bridges. I feel like an idiot and like people expect this of me. I just want to do something that I can be happy doing while going to school, but I have these jobs on my record forever now and they won't go away. I don't know what to think. I feel horrible.

Submitted July 02, 2016 at 09:36PM by IDunnoWhatToThinks depression

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