Sunday, March 19, 2017

Operating 2 spst switches with 120 volt for one light. AskElectronics

So I'm doing a little project where when I open the pantry door, an led strip light comes on. Well I decided to use a refrigerator switch because it's perfect for what I need and ul rated line voltage and only a few bucks to boot.

Well the pantry has 2 doors and i have installed 2 switches and want to make sure i get the wiring correct . I want the light to come on if either door is open or both doors are open.

Will the included attachment work, keep everything at 120v and make sense?

Thanks all.

Edit, sorry, forgot to attach image :

Edit 2: spelling errors

Submitted March 20, 2017 at 05:27AM by mattleo AskElectronics

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