Sunday, March 19, 2017

Can I trick garlic into thinking it has over-wintered? gardening

I've never grown garlic before, but today I had a family member give me a few garlic plants that were started indoors some time in the past month or two. The plants are in 4" pots, have roots nearly filling the pots (but not root-bound,) and have between 3-6" of green growth.

Since they weren't planted in the fall, and therefore didn't experience winter, I do not expect to get much, if anything, from them if I plant them out in the spring. Is there anything I can do to trick them into thinking they were planted in the fall? I have no idea if it will work, but am considering putting them in the refrigerator for the next 1.5-2 months. Does anyone happen to know if this strategy will work?

Thank you for your help

Submitted March 20, 2017 at 06:01AM by mnlaker gardening

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