Wednesday, March 15, 2017

I am getting sick and tired of my cousin who moved in to live with us. (long post) offmychest

I will try to refrain myself from using profanity and also as short as possible but there are also so many things to cover.

I am turning 20 years old this year and my cousin is 17. Last summer, my cousin and her family immigrated and moved into our house from China. We renovated rooms, bought new furnitures to accommodate them and gave my cousin one of the rooms (right next to mine). The first 2 months were fine. Although she was a bit pretentious because she was acting cute and flirtatious in front of a lot of people, even my friends.

The first 2 months: She tried to talk in a really high pitch voice, and have done a lot of chores (which made a lot of family relatives like her in the beginning) but that's not my type and I don't like hanging out with those type of people although my parents kept pushing me to interact with her because I'm like her "sister". After the first month, summer break was almost over. I was working part time, 3-4 days a week and decided to spend a day with her before classes start for me. I brought her out for the first time into the city, asked my boyfriend if he wanted to have dinner with us and he brought our guy friend along. To keep this short, she thought he was cute, she flirted, added him on social media sites, they talked, they went out, and they had sex during their relationship and then my friend broke up with her because he thought the relationship wasn't going to go anywhere.

Afterwards, throughout the next few months she always flirted with our neighbor who we called our god brother because he treated us like one. He is like 23 or so, but the flirting would only go up to a minimal level. However, she would always act "cute" and talk in high pitch voices to pressure him into doing favors for her like driving her and her friends to places, take them out to the city and cross the bridge (theres a bridge toll of like $15), pay for her food because she's only like 16.

Only I saw through her pretentious cutesy act throughout this entire time because these things only work on adults. They like kids who acts hyper and happy. However, her true side started showing recently. We never really talk or hangout even though we live under the same roof (the house is pretty small). Although sometimes we both stay up pretty late past 1 am and we would make snacks or so. However she had been bringing her friend over she met in school like 4 times a week and she would sleep over like twice a week without even mentioning it to anyone. She would come to our house without notice. They would stay in her room all the time and watch movies, however every time shes over, my cousin would act tough and talk back to me and give me an attitude. Last time she was over, I had classes at 9 am but i have to wake up at 6am and they were having their spring break. They stayed up til 4 am making noises so I texted her to be quiet.

Last night, I was playing games with my friends at 1am and yes I was being loud because we were on skype playing L4D2. She texted me asking me if i can stop yelling because it is so annoying. ONE. She could've texted me in a NICER way like, can you be quiet I have school the next morning or so. That's not even the worst part. She went on Wechat and posted on moments (our family and friends uses wechat and posting something on moments is like a fb post or like a twitter tweet.) She posted in chinese, "You cannot even lecture your own daughter, why do you even have the face or nerve to try and lecture me." With a barf emoji.

This really pissed me off because her parents are way too passive in teaching, my mom constantly yells at her for her wrongdoings but that is because she is teaching her to become a better person. On top of that, her family only gives us a few hundred a month for bills and not for other expenses and honestly we are covering her and her family for other expenses because we are living under the same roof, and we are "family" so we aren't calculating everything to the exact. My mom bought ME Naked Smoothies and they're quite pricey. They're about $3 a bottle, and I normally don't have time to make breakfast so it is my breakfast. My mom said it is way too pricey so she hid them in multiple plastic bags and tied them in knots and hid it in the back of the refrigerator. (She found them and unknotted them, and took drinks from it everyday and drank majority of it) I only drank 2. Although we are family, we have separate refrigerators, her family lives in our basement, if she wanted to drink it so bad she could've told her parents to buy it for her for school. Also, even if she is a guest or a family member, my mom hid it so discreetly that even if you are a guest or relative you wouldn't want to until knots of a bag to search for drinks. Don't you think you should only take what's necessarily for show in the refrigerator? Am I wrong in this part? Shouldn't you have a face and not search our refrigerator so thoroughly and take our drinks? It's pretty obvious. She even retied the knots and placed it back in.

Afterwards, i sent these screenshots of the text of her attitude and the wechat posts because I felt like my parents and her parents wouldn't see it because she probably blocked them from seeing it. My parents said they would fix it and would talk to her parents. I endured the comments from her and did not confront her at all so I went to eat dinner tonight and completely did not talk much during dinner although i rarely talk anyways. She didn't either. That is because I feel like if she confronted me I would probably smack her across the face because of her attitude so I refrained myself from doing so and because i RESPECT her parents. THIS IS THE PROBLEM. I did not confront her at all throughout all this time because I RESPECT HER PARENTS. They are nice people but she isn't.

Afterwards, she posted on Wechat after dinner saying "Seeing you so sad makes me happy" with a smiley emoji in Chinese. (I took a nap until 12:45am or else I would've confronted her). That pissed me off so much. I honestly don't know what to do to contain myself. Honestly, if I was awake I probably would've went right to her room, banged on the door and possibly get into a fight with her because I feel like she needs someone to teach her a lesson to respect others. Not to mention she has been talking back to my mom and dad quite a lot recently. Who gives her the right to talk to my parents who are sheltering her? She's living under OUR roof. She wanted to come to America for education and we're helping her. Why is she making me uncomfortable under my own house. Throughout this entire time I have not confronted her at all and only she has been making these posts. I've been wanting to hit her for so long but I know if I do, then it would be an embarrassment to my parents for handling this situation like this, and also would make her parents sad (although I do want to teach their daughter a lesson because shes such a brat she really needs a beating). I don't know how to handle this. Everything seems so awkward in my own home. I cannot even eat dinner in peace. How should I handle this situation?

(Will reply with more details if asked)

Submitted March 15, 2017 at 02:21PM by jessicurrr offmychest

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