Thursday, September 8, 2016

Today sucked venting

So I was woken up at 4:00 am this morning to my wife violently vomiting. She was diagnosed with gallstones back in the spring but because she did not have any flare-ups again at the time, she let it go. This morning she had her worst attack yet. I got the kids off to school and took her to the ER. As we suspected they recommended her gallbladder be removed. They were able to get us in today for surgery but we had to wait and wait and wait. Luckily my neighbors were able to pick the kids up from school and get them off to their baseball practice. After she got out of surgery and got up into her room I ran home to get her a few things as she was staying the night. By this point I had spent about 10 hours at the hospital and had only eaten a pretzel all day. I ran up to the kids baseball practice to tell them hello and give them the status of their mom. When I got to the field I was informed that we would not have enough kids to field a team for this season. As I am in charge of the league I now had to inform the rest of the teams that we would not be feilding a team. I got back to the Hospital, the wife was starting to feel the pain of the surgery. I got her settled in for the night and went back home. It was now 9:30 at night when I got home, and when I saw my oldest (12)the first thing he said was "I'm hungry". I asked didn't you eat dinner. Yes he said but at 4:30. I told him I didn't have anything to eat all day I will go in and make us some grilled cheese sandwiches. I went to the refrigerator and the first thing I noticed everything was warm. Our fridge was not working. I started making the grilled cheese sandwiches and in the meantime started looking at the refrigerator. Next thing I know I have burned four sandwiches. Retry. I got the kids fed, get them showered, brush their teeth, and get them ready for bed. I get the trash put out, feed the cats and decide to just throw in the towel with the refrigerator. I go to text back the 20 or so people that have reached out to me throughout the day give them a status update on my wife and I noticed the 30 emails from the rest of the league arguing about us dropping a team. After going back and forth with these emails at 11 o'clock I decided enough was enough and went to get a shower. My wife is in the hospital I am exhausted I have a whole league up in arms against me my refrigerator is not working and to top it off I got a golfball sized lump on my ass that really hurts. Good fucking night!!!

Submitted September 09, 2016 at 09:21AM by badassgeorg3 venting

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