Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Thank you for supporting my free book promotion. If you still want a free copy of the book e-mail me. FreeEBOOKS

Thanks to everyone that help support the "Crucial Advice for College Students - Burning Desire free book promotion. If you would still like to get a free copy of my first book just email me at kirasavant@gmail.com

Chapter 1 Taking Ownership You own your own life now and you are just about to find out just how expensive that can be. To start with you have made a great decision to get an education to make a better life for yourself. However, that is just the first decision of over ten thousand plus decisions that you will have to make over the next four years. Develop and increase you decision making abilities. Every day you will be faced with having to make choices from getting out of bed to how late you will have to stay up to get your homework finished for the next day. Every night make a list of tasks that you need to accomplish. Set a schedule and prioritize the tasks you need to do. Find a way, no matter what to finish everything you need to do every day. No procrastination! If you start putting things off you will become overwhelmed. Take charge from day one. You can take the risk of putting things off to the last second but eventually you are not going to get away with it and then you will experience what failure feels like.. Now is the time to stand on your own two feet and begin to lead your own life. Do not call your parents for money. O.K. you are not going to realize the value of this for several years but trust me on this one. Most of the wealth in this world is created by solving problems. Thus if you never have any problems you are probably going to live paycheck to paycheck your whole life. Embrace the challenges of problem solving. Your parents are not going to be around forever to save you when you need help. Get creative, find a way to make some extra money before you need it. Do not waste one penny of your money until you finish school. If you waste fifteen dollars every Friday night for twenty weeks on a pizza when you had stuff to eat in the refrigerator that is three hundred dollars that you may desperately need to fix your car. Money management going to be crucial to making it through school. Distractions from your work are going to be something you will have to deal with. In college students are experiencing freedom for the first time. Live in the success zone. The success zone is a mental place where you focus on what needs to be done and only what needs to be done. College students love to party and play video games. Most of these types of students will not make it through the first year. Drinking, smoking weed, and playing video games are a waste of time and are for people that have no direction in life. Stay focused, college is expensive and you don’t want to be on the eight year plan. Every class you have to retake cost thousands of dollars and there will be interest added on top of that. Speaking of interest, forget about using credit cards. Credit is great until you actually have to pay for it. Credit is a business product that is being sold to you by a bank so that they can make money. Let the bank make that money off of someone else. Stay current on all of the fashion trends, you are going to want to know what they are when you are shopping for the hottest shoes, clothes, and accessories at thrift stores, garage sales, and on the internet. Never pay retail for anything. Use coupons for food and of course I mean at the store not the five star restaurant that you really want to go to. The more you can cook for yourself the more money you can save. At least learn how to make a sandwich. Of course the best way to save money is just not buying things that you do not really need. Just say no to more than just drugs, say no to wasteful spending of money as well. Whatever you did in high school needs to stay in high school. This is a new season of your life, you have attained a new level. Keep growing and pursue a career that will continually increase throughout your life. Do not just jump on the popular this career is hot right now bandwagon. You do not want to wake up one day at the age of fifty-five just to find out that all of the skills that you have obtained in life are now obsolete due to new technology. Even after you start in a new career field keep gaining certifications and keep taking continuing education classes so that your skills do not become irrelevant. Every little detail of things these days is relevant. Be a leader and be the person that is making the decisions for the group of people you are hanging around. College is not a popularity contest and you are not really making lifelong friends while you are there. Hang around with the 4.0 GPA student crowd, if you need help with your school work you really don’t want to be seeking help from students that are just about to fail out of school. Your graduation day will be the last day you will probably see most of these people. Stay with the purpose driven crowd and you be creating a great foundation to build on for the rest of your life. Monitor the progress of all the students around you. Keep track of what they are doing. Control your environment and do not let the habits of the students around you invade your space. They can go and drink and do whatever stupid crap they are doing somewhere else. It is easy to want to drop everything you are doing and have fun for a while. However, once you start having way too much fun it is hard to stop. Keep track of which students are heading in the wrong direction, keep a safe distance from them, you really do not need them in your life. During your time in college you will experience about every emotion that exists on this planet. Control your emotions especially when you are doing group projects you need to maintain some sense of dignity. Most of the time twenty percent of the group will end up doing eighty percent of the project. Be in the twenty percent crowd, you went to college to learn anyway so take advantage of the opportunity. Some of your new friends will drop out of school, people will say a bunch of ignorant things to you, and chances are that you will find a bunch of students that do not have the same political or religious beliefs that you have. Just take it all in stride twenty years from now none of these things will matter anyway. There are times that you are going to fail, it may be a test, a quiz, a homework assignment, or you might even fail to get out of bed and go to school on a freezing cold winter morning. Learn from your mistakes! Yes, you may want to study for the test next time. Things are going to go wrong, we do not live in a perfect world. Take the opportunity to evaluate everything good and bad. You are going to learn from everything you do and not just from your schoolwork in the classroom. Never blame other people for things that go wrong, even if it is their fault they are just not going to care anyway. Stay in a positive frame of mind towards the challenges you face at school. When it comes to the last two weeks of the semester and finals week is just ahead you are really going to want to use the power of positive thinking. Just stay happy! It is easy to get down in life especially when there are long stretches of bad weather. Negativity is a magnet for negativity. Smile first thing in the morning and tell yourself that you are going to enjoy the day. Speak positivity into your life and you will become full of energy which will lead to massive amounts of productivity.

Submitted September 07, 2016 at 10:02AM by Kirasavant http://ift.tt/2bWmv94 FreeEBOOKS

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