Monday, September 5, 2016

Questing regarding solar for a small camper. GoRVing

We are taking a cross country trip next year and we will be mostly utilizing free campsites, so solar is a must. I am buying (2) 330 watt solar panels and just want to know if this is feasible for the amount of energy we're going to be using.

We have a small microwave 700watts that came with the camper I realize this might not run.

A very Small fridge

Well also be running around 3 small fans, one a PC fan for the composting toilet and the other just for air circulation.

We'll have 2 laptops, 2 phone chargers and probably a little coffee pot or electric kettle if possible.

What kind of battery/inverter would be recommended? How many batteries would I need? Would I need to use both solar panels?

Sorry for all the questions. This is just totally new for me! Any advice at all would be amazing!

Submitted September 06, 2016 at 07:16AM by I_HAVE_NO_DICK GoRVing

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