Wednesday, September 7, 2016

My wife's on going battle with Lyme disease and associated co-infections. Assistance

So, my wife got sick a little over a year ago with lyme disease. Unfortunately it took us 9 months to get a diagnosis. She also has associated co-infections such as Babesia and Bartonella and most likely a few others we are not aware of. I am a military member of 7 years active duty and whilst i do get healthcare from my service, they run off the misinformation that the CDC puts out on Lyme. During this time, I have gone roughly 30 grand in debt on credit cards and personal loans just to survive. Alot of this was spent on things such as feeding my family, tests that we had to pay for out of pocket and travel to doctors 3 hours away so that we can properly identify and treat my wife's Lyme disease. Admittedly not all that debt is from this but at the same time as my wife getting sick we were closing on a house and had to buy things for that I.E. refrigerator and washer/dryer. Currently I struggle to make sure i have enough food on the table at the end of a paycheck and have been letting some bills become overdue. I appreciate any help we receive and whilst I dont expect everyone to just open their wallets and donate, I will ask that you just atleast share this post/link.

Thank you from myself and my family.

Please feel free to contact me directly via PM with any questions or if in need of more elaboration/ information.

Submitted September 08, 2016 at 06:45AM by Trab926 Assistance

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