Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Pi Day Blizzard nosleep

If you have watched the news within the past twenty-four hours, or even been on any form of social media, you've most likely heard that there is a blizzard going on in the northeastern United States. However, I can officially tell you that whatever is going on outside is no blizzard. do not believe the news, or any sort of media saying that it is. Don't even believe your friends if they say that it is, because it's just not true.

It started off yesterday, with yesterday being another “most boring day ever.” I live in southern New Hampshire not far from the seacoast, and I’m a junior in high school. Yesterday, I listened to my teachers all drone on about the useless shit I have to remember so that I can pass their class just like any other day. Most of my friends were absolutely pissed that there was going to be snow the next day, as all of us were happy that summer was coming. It was almost sixty degrees the other day, and we wanted it to stay that way. All of my teachers told us that there’s almost no chance of there being school tomorrow, because the Weather Channel had bumped it up to an expected eighteen inches for our region. For fuck’s sake!

I stayed after school for a meeting about a potential hiking trip that some of us would be going on up in the White Mountains. After we finished, I drove home and discovered that my mother was leaving for a doctor’s appointment. She had been coughing in fits for the past five or six days, and finally wanted to get down to the root of it. I passed her as she was heading out the door, and told me she’d be home in time for her to make me and my sisters dinner.

I went upstairs and checked the weather. Everything was the exact same, eighteen inches of snow for our town expected at least, even more towards the coast. I sighed and then went back downstairs and played GTA V for a few hours before my mother came home and heated up some frozen pizza. Honestly, one of the qualities about being a tired teenage dude is that you seem to just care less about the quality of food when you’re super tired. By that point, I was running off of maybe five to six hours of sleep for the past two days in a row.

That night, the schools called for a cancellation ahead of time. At around eight thirty they called and said that our entire school district would not be having school. I still went to bed around ten o’clock, as I normally do, but I slept in a little later this morning. I woke up to snow falling, but not flurries like you’d see on an ABC Christmas special, it was a full on whiteout. I could barely see the massive oak tree about a hundred feet away from my window it was so bad.

When I went downstairs to check the news, Good Morning America was broadcasting nothing about the northeast. They were saying that there was a crazy storm out in Washington and that some hikers were stranded on Mount Rainier, but that was it. Odd, right? I checked CNN, and they were discussing something stupid Trump had said on Twitter, of course. FOX was all about a new hotel being built in Dubai, NBC was focused on some footballer feeding his girlfriend to his dogs, CBS was focused on China’s prime minister making a remark on war being inevitable between the US and North Korea, BBC was focused on . . . well, Britain.

When I checked the local news in Manchester, they were broadcasting about the storm. They were saying there was a record of two feet in the city of Manchester, and that a skylight in the mall had collapsed.

It was then, at 9:06 AM, that my world changed forever.

The local news station stopped broadcasting completely. There wasn’t even dead air or white noise, there was a black screen and nothingness. About forty seconds later, the power went out. Both of my sisters are younger than me, so when I say my older sister, Brie, came downstairs, I mean the oldest out of my two younger siblings. Brie said that Emma was still asleep, and then wanted to know where mom and dad were. When I questioned her, she said their cars were gone. I instantly pulled out my iPhone and called them, but the phone said that all lines were busy.

What the fuck?

I asked for Brie’s phone when I heard something come from the back of the house. It was a very loud thud. I was having an off feeling already, but this sent me over the edge. I ran to the back of the house and saw that the door had been opened. But what had opened it?

There were no footprints or anything, so I assumed that it had just blown open or something, but then I saw the blood. There was so much blood by the door, and what looked like some hair. My heart stopped completely, as it looked like Emma’s strawberry blonde hair. Had someone broken into our house and killed Emma while Brie and I were trying to figure out what was going on?

Then, I saw it for the first time. It wasn’t human, and I honestly have no idea how describe it any other way. It wasn’t looking towards us, but if it turned around it would certainly be able to see us. The back of the house was our kitchen, and we had two sliding glass doors and a floor to ceiling window facing out backyard. Brie and I were literally in a giant display case.

We hid in the basement for a little while before we went back upstairs. I was the first one to come upstairs and see that the thing had gotten back in. There were claw marks all along the walls, and a blood trail that went in circles around the downstairs. The landline was trashed, the tv was in pieces on the floor, all the knives had been taken, and in the fridge were the heads of three people: our neighbor, a police officer, and Emma.

When I turned around, I saw it looking at us through the window, and this time, it was right on the other side of it. It communicated to me without speaking, “Don’t scream.”

Brie and I both backed around the corner before sprinting to the basement and locking the doors completely. I texted one of my friends to tell them to call the police, not occurring to me that the head a law enforcement officer was sitting in my refrigerator. I texted them again asking if anyone was there, when they responded, “I am here, and so are they. They want to keep us safe. You have been chosen by them to be happy.”

I don’t know what that means, but I’m sitting down here writing this on my dad’s laptop while Bire listens for any noises coming from upstairs. I am hoping that we’ll be able to last a little longer, and if someone on the outside can get help to us, then maybe you c

I heard it. It’s definitely inside of the house.

It just tapped on the basement door.

It’s thinking to me again. “James, leave behind Brie and come to us. We will protect you.”

What should I do?

Oh shit the door jsut opend o shit u guays oh shit

Submitted March 15, 2017 at 03:27AM by deathfox919 http://ift.tt/2n7vLuO nosleep

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