Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Me [29/F] with my fiancé [28 M] 4 years, move in rush and out of town labor relationships

My fiancé, Jeremy, just expertly navigated through purchasing a house for us in a very tough market. We put in an offer 2 weeks ago and are on target to close in the middle of next week. Really, the closing could've taken longer but Jeremy has 2 sets of friends coming into town and he wanted to show them the house. Jeremy had all of his financial ducks in a row so there were a few hoops to jump through, but not really.

We currently live in a 300 sq foot studio apartment so his friends staying wth us isn't an option. They are each coming from opposite coasts and we live centrally. One set of friends is married and has 2 young children, under the age of 4. The other is a friend and his girlfriend.

Originally there was no way that we were going to be able to close so early, which was not a concern. The lease on our studio is not up until July. The original plan was to take our time making improvements to the house and slowly move things in. I have a separate storage and we've noticed that we have we have a lot of shit that we do not want to move into the new house haphazardly. We want to be very deliberate about paring things down.

Now that we are closing early, Jeremy is all excited about his friends seeing and staying in the house. We do not even have a refrigerator yet! His friends will be here Wednesday-Monday so he wants to buy blow up beds and have us all stay there together. There will be nowhere to sit, no fridge...nothing.

I've totaled up the bare minimum of what it would cost to get 3 blow up mattresses (which doesn't account for the 2 kids), shower liners, shower rods, folding tables and chairs to get by, towels for 8 people, etc and the total is $500. And I am sure I haven't thought of everything. And even with that, these are things we'd be buying in a hurry, nothing really consistent with the vibe and decor of the house as we have not totally settled on that yet.

Since his friends were expecting to pay ~something for a portion of their stay, I suggested that we use some of the money that we'd use hurriedly purchasing items that we may not use long-term to AirBnB a space that is large enough for all of us. That way the space would be communal and comfortable. And instead of eating out so many meals while they are here, we can cook some as well.

He sees my point, but I know he is also very excited about the new place. I suggested that we have a 'closing party' and still have them over to the empty house and dream and scheme a little bit together. He countered with the idea that the men in the group can help him move in the refrigerator on Saturday and start moving everything.

He is like a kid in a candy store. Eager. I get it. He has never dreamed that he would actually be able to own a home, even though he is the most diligent and wonderful person I know, so he wants to show the house off and enjoy it with some of his closest buddies.

I don't think his friends came all this way to be put to work and having them stay in our new home doesn't seem to be safe/reasonable/economical at this point, especially with the little babies.

Any advice on how to navigate this conversation? Is there something that I'm not seeing or some compromise that can be had?

tl;dr: Fiancé purchased his first home and is excited to share it with friends who are coming in town. Wants 8 people (2 of them being young children) to stay in the house for 3 nights on air mattresses. I'd like to make our guests comfortable and am looking for another alternative/compromise.

Submitted March 16, 2017 at 08:05AM by sofakingunreasonable relationships

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