Sunday, March 19, 2017

Keto changed my taste preferences xxketo

So the pre shark week munchies kicked me out of ketosis and I figured that since I'm out of it I might as well go for gold and drink an entire large bottle of plain kefir and finish some thanks a lot girl scout cookies that have been lurking in my refrigerator for weeks while I do some school work.

Boy oh boy was I in for a shock.

One- the cookies were still fresh after 4 weeks open which is unbelievable. Small but still a miracle.

Second - the cookies were overwhelmingly sweet. Too sweet in fact so I had to throw the last few away instead of eating all of them. Granted they are shortbread cookies with chocolate but I ate entire boxes of the stuff before and thought they were fine. This is hugely surprising since I haven't abstained from sweet keto approved snacks such a lily chocolate bars and sugar free gum. I was the biggest sugar fiend before keto and had no problem eating 3 snickers bars at once. Now the thought of doing that makes me literally sick to my stomach.

Third - I though the plain Lifeway keifr was sweet. Before keto I thought it was very tart with no sweetness whatsoever so that was a huge surprise.

The Keto diet changed my taste preferences and I am very happy about it.

Submitted March 19, 2017 at 12:32PM by sheisthebeesknees xxketo

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