Thursday, March 16, 2017

I'm trying not to break down in front of my kid, but I just found out my dad has a brain tumor. He's not even completely healed from the double bypass surgery he had in January. We don't know much yet, but my family is understandably worried. breakingmom

My son is two, and he attends daycare while I work full-time. His dad lives three hours away in the next state, so when the daycare called to say that he was running a fever, I called my parents' house to see if they could help. My 18-year-old sister lives at home, and she volunteered to get Little Man because "something's up with Dad... He's sitting in his car in the driveway and he looks like he's crying."

My dad isn't a crier. Like, he got misty on my wedding day, the day my son was born, and he barely cried at his best friend's funeral. In a family of mostly women, he's a rarity because we're all easy criers.

I thought it sounded weird, but work was insane today with me trying to play catch-up after being out of work yesterday with the worst migraine. In the middle of the afternoon, my dad called me at work to ask if I wanted to stay for dinner. I said that sounded okay.

It was a little weird, I didn't think too much about it until I got out of work and went to my parents' house to pick up my son. My son was happy to see me, but the mood was really somber. Then my dad pulled me aside and said that he needed to talk to me. He went on to explain that he has a brain tumor and has been having numbness and weakness on the left side of his body for a few weeks.

He has to get some more tests and talk to a couple of specialists before we really know what's going on. I immediately start thinking the worst. I'm trying to hold my shit together, but all I really want to do is eat kettlecorn, drink the whole bottle of moscato in the back of my refrigerator, and ugly cry for a few hours.

Any good vibes, advice, or simple sentiments of fuck brain tumors would be appreciated.

Submitted March 17, 2017 at 05:24AM by dscokink8 breakingmom

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