Sunday, March 19, 2017

I Can't Even Walk Into The Kitchen Without Feeling Anxious badroommates

Ranty, so it's pretty jumbled, but boy am I DONE. I have these roommates that hogs all the space to themselves. I live with 3 other girls, and two of them are usually there while the other one never shows up.

My grievances mostly involved the kitchen space, especially the refrigerator. Two of the three roommates would take up the whole space while my stuff would get pushed aside to the crispers. They'd leave dirty dishes in the sink for days before stuffing them into the dishwasher. The stovetop is always dirty because they'd fry chicken tenders at 11 pm at night. And for some reason, the toaster is broken.

Unrelated, but one day, I found two rather angry-sounding notes from one of my roommates stuck to my door complaining how I made the temperature too hot (when I changed it to 70 degrees back in February...they had it to 60...) Yeah, I found them on my way out to class and when I came back, they got taken down. Ok, it was my bad that I didn't ask Of course, no one apologized.

And because I want mostly nothing to do with them, I try my best to not show signs that I existed.

Just now, I came back from town because I had a Spring break and found a bag of my expired bread in front of my door...

Submitted March 20, 2017 at 02:20AM by honeylilaku badroommates

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