Sunday, March 19, 2017

Preparing to live out of my car for about 5 months. I work nights full-time. Where could I sleep during the day? (SoCal/Orange County) vandwellers

Hi all,

My landlord is selling the house I currently live in. I can't afford to rent a new place right now, and if I did I'd be completely broke all the time and I don't want to live like that. So I'm going to live out of my car for about 5 months and get out of debt so I can afford to go back to school when the next EMT program starts.

I have a full time job working night shift, and come August I'll be taking classes during the day (around that time I should have a few options for finding a place, but not really until then.) I already have a gym membership where I can clean up at, and I can do my laundry at my workplace, or a laundromat if need be. I'm not worried about meals, as there's a refrigerator/microwave at my workplace. I'll probably be spending most of my free time at libraries or my gym.

My biggest concern is where could I sleep/take naps at during the daytime without being hassled too much, or cited? Anything else I'm missing?

Thanks for any advice!

Submitted March 19, 2017 at 05:16PM by throwaway98789878999 vandwellers

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