Monday, March 13, 2017

A Typical Morning: Derrok Bishop wrestlingisreddit

The grandest of superstars often come from the humblest of beginnings. They hone their talents while living meal to meal. It is through great struggle and perseverance that they achieve great-


Then again... there is also Derrok Bishop.

Mom: "I think I put them in the laundry basket with your dirty clothes, hun."

Derrok: "Why would you do that?! You're gonna get them all dirty and break em!!"

Mom: "I'm sorry, honey. I just saw them sitting with the rest of your clothes and I didn't think about it. Oh son, come down and have some breakfast. I made French toast!"

Derrok: "SWEET- I mean... okay I'll eat some I guess."

Picture a mansion in Nashville. Two stories, swimming pool, personal bowling alley, personal concert hall, private gym. This is where Derrok Bishop lives. He goes into the dining room, trying to hide his excitement. French toast is his favorite. His mother is a pleasant, pretty, blonde woman in her early 40s. Today she is wearing a soft pink dress. Derrok is 22. He is wearing gym clothes.

Mom: "Are you feeling well today, sweetie?"

Derrok: (while shoveling food in his mouth) "I'm okay I guess."

Mom: "That's nice. Did you hear back from those nice people at WiR?"

Derrok: (still eating) "NO! I've looked online. I'm not booked for March 20th. It's fucking bullshit."

Mom: "Now son. I know you're an adult, but please watch your language around me."

Derrok: "Sorry, Mom, but I mean come on. I'm like a 5 star athlete in every sport and I've been trained by some of the biggest stars in wrestling. They're lucky I even put in for their stupid Indy fed."

Mom: "Now dear. You just put in a couple of days ago. Don't you think it would've been a little unreasonable of them to fit you in on this show so quickly?"

Derrok: "But Mom I'm like better than anyone there. I can take them to the promised land! They should be bending over backwards to fit me on that card! I should be in the main event!"

Mom: "Now Honey. I think you need to be a little more patient than that. Anything worth doing takes a lot of time and effort!"

Derrok: "Yeah whatever. I'm gonna go train..."

Derrok grabs a protein shake out of the refrigerator and races out of the dining room.

Mom: "Okay! Have fun, sweetie!"

Derrok doesn't really hear his mother as he heads toward the mansion's gym area. He is still imagining his debut. He knows that he'll be in the main event first night in. He knows that WiR simply didn't want to waste his first appearance by throwing him on the card at short notice. He knows... but he is uncertain.

Submitted March 13, 2017 at 09:29PM by DerrokBishop wrestlingisreddit

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