Saturday, April 1, 2017

TIFU by eating spaghetti tifu

I woke up really late, by late I mean 8 o'heckin clock! I was hungry so I went to my coolio box( my super awesome refrigerator) and pulled out last nights spaghetti and put in the microwave, and went to get dressed for school.After I got dressed and wore my new sweater that MiMaw (my cool grandma) got me and came back and ate my spaghetti. After about 27.4 minutes I start vomiting and get some on my new sweater already , so I had to go change and then I saw that I had no other cool clothes to wear so I wore these ugly khakis with a white shirt.

After I was done changing into these ugly clothes, I hear my mom yelling at me,"MATTHEW, DID YOU EAT MY FUDGIN SPAGHETTI !!", then I go to her and say "Yes mom, I did because I didn't want to eat your organic pickle cereal." then she proceeded to explain why pickle cereal is good for me and spoiled my whole fudgin' day.

TLDR: Got vomit on my sweater already, it's mom's spaghetti.

Submitted April 01, 2017 at 08:20PM by CosmicxD tifu

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