Friday, April 28, 2017

Telling our only child Divorce

It went pretty well. We both sat down with him, tv off, and explained we had not been happy for a long time and we could not make it work and that we were getting a divorce. The first thing my son said was, "I'm not surprised." We encouraged him to ask questions and explained some things will remain the same and some things would change. We reassured him we both loved him and that this was not his fault in any way. He has ADHD and ODD so we weren't sure how it would go. He wondered if we would go on any trips again together and who would get the refrigerator. (Silly kid!) My heart broke when he asked if we would still do Christmas together... I hate doing this to my son. The pain is so overwhelming and I just want to feel normal again.

Thanks for reading and l'm thankful for this group too as it has helped me a lot.

Submitted April 29, 2017 at 08:42AM by eirrac0774 Divorce

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