Sunday, April 30, 2017

Dog eats less and has a odd restroom behavior AskVet

Species: Dog

Age: 6

Sex/Neuter status: Male, not neutered

Breed: Maltese/Shih-tzhu

Body weight: 15lb maybe?

History: No known illnesses

Clinical signs: n/a

Duration: 1-3 months for eating behavior, 2 years for peeing behavior

Links to test results, X-rays, vet reports etc: n/a

I've had my dog since he was 3 months old. Up until the age of 4 I would say, he had always urinated at the place we trained him to go to. For 2 years now, he rotates at different spots around the house (the refrigerator, many spots on the legs of the couches and so forth). He does each spot constantly every day, but sometimes he will pee on his trained place. Why is this? He's always pee'd and poo'd at his normal place before this began. He still goes #2 at his trained place.

Problem #2 - Recently, he doesn't eat food from his bowl anymore. First, I bought a new bag of food for him -- no success. I thought it may be the bowl, so I cleaned out the bowl and even replaced it -- no change. I then noticed that if I grabbed the food and fed him by hand, he would eat it OR if I grabbed the food from his bowl and placed it on the ground..he would also eat it. We did get a cat that he gets along with very well since October and sometimes he would eat from her bowl.

Could anyone help me out please?

Submitted April 30, 2017 at 01:41PM by defiledhero AskVet

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