Monday, April 24, 2017

Help Hacking a Whirlpool Thermostat Homebrewing

I recently acquired a perfectly good Whirlpool Side by Side freezer/fridge combo and my intent is to use the fridge side as a lagering chamber. The factory installed thermostat has a digital control panel that allows for dialing in desired fridge/freezer temperatures separately. This is great, except for the fact that the fridge control has an upper limit of 45 degrees F. Normally I'd bypass this with a temp controller, BUT I still want to use the freezer side for conventional food storage. My concern is the power-on/power-off cycles introduced by using a 3rd party temp controller will affect the entire unit, not just the fridge side. I'm hoping there is an easy way to hack the factory temp controller to allow for higher fridge temps. Any advice/experience is appreciated. Thanks!

Submitted April 25, 2017 at 12:05AM by dbchris2 Homebrewing

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