Monday, December 29, 2014

Apartment part 1 shortscarystories

I woke up in the midst of chaos , with books ,pens and sheets on my bed .It's been a long night . Feeling hungry , I got out of the bed for some foods . In the bathroom , i was just about to brush my teeth that I noticed the water outage . F*** ! It's summer right now and they still cut it off ! so I went to the refrigerator for mineral water instead . It was already 8 :00 AM , wow ! I rarely woke up so early like that . anyway I feel so hungry , Leo , my cat running happily around me . Leo's not very talkative , but I knew he was hungry too . Oh my , there was not so many left , I fed Leo with cat foods and myself with cookies . Uhm .. I need more for today , it's gonna be a tough day , just as everyday , going out for jogging , working out at the gym . damn ! who's closed all the doors and windows ? I feel that breathing right now is somewhat uncomfortable , so I 'm going to open the balcony windows ! my god ! the door's jammed ! no matter how I try it won't open , f*** !! Oh , wait ! it's around 8 :00 AM but why it's too dark here ! I live on the 5th floor, the sunshine always leak through the doors everyday but I don't see any at the moment . Damn ! something's terribly wrong here !! I decided to go out, so I open the main doors but as I opened it dirt and dust rush in . What the fuck's happening ?? my living room now's full of dirt , alot of dirt that it fill my door , only some gaps can be seen but they're all dirt ! it's just like a coffin ! what ! I was buried alive along with my cat and my apartment ?? but no way ! it's the fith floors here ! maybe earthquake but I watched the news yesterday and they didn't broadcast anything like that !! I rush to the bedroom , turn on the TV , damn ! the channels 're all interfered and they're all broadcast the same news ! I can hardly hear anything , those things're like " cover your faces " or " avoid the spores at any costs " and even something like " infection " or " bacteria ", I wonder what the hell 's happening outthere !! but now I need to get out of my apartment !

Submitted December 29, 2014 at 03:44PM by Unknown_boxer shortscarystories

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