Sunday, November 30, 2014

Tips on not going crazy living at home? Plus some of my own coping methods. offmychest

I'm very grateful to be living at home in this economic time, and objectively things aren't bad, but let's face it, living around the same people every day for 23 years in a row is slowly driving me crazy. To top it off, I'm normally a loner in the first place but I RARELY get time 100% alone. Plus, I'm pretty sure I have generalized anxiety which is now getting ramped up with this and career uncertainty. This only makes me more angry. My mom works at home and my dad never goes on business trips and is home fairly early. There's always someone lurking around or bugging me, and it gets even worse when my siblings come home from college and invite their friends over. This has been going on for years even though I show extreme annoyance. I never get time to "reset" you know?

I've tried hanging out in my room, which helps, but in the afternoon/evening it gets dark and depressing, and I have to come downstairs for food often anyways and dread going down there now because it gives people an opportunity to bug me again. Not to mention, I don't have a desk or anything so hunching over my laptop gets quite painful. Decking out my room isn't realistic financially, and it's pretty small. I could probably afford a few things, but when there's a refrigerator and place to sit downstairs, it just seems wasteful.

I only have 1 friend I hang out with, which helps with getting out of the house, but now THAT'S becoming annoying too, because he also lives at home and it's basically the same situation but in a different house. Having more friends wouldn't solve the problem either, because that doesn't provide alone time.

Sure I could get some crappy job and live in some sketchy apartment, but I'd rather go full force into my career, and living at home lets me focus on that. It looks like I'll be here for a while. I could maybe find some internship/entry level job relating to my career, but I'm not far along enough with my knowledge for that. Luckily, I have a laptop with tasks that keep me busy all day, so boredom/being unproductive isn't an issue.

Here's what I've been doing so far to try and help this: -go in my room during times of extreme annoyance and stock it with food -put earbuds in hoping people will not try to talk to me -go to my friend's house when everyone's gone (although that feels a bit weird even though they let me lol) -try to come home late when people are in bed -try to get up after my dad leaves for work -tell my siblings when I'll be gone/at home so they can invite friends while i'm gone (they work with me half the time at least) -act annoyed at my parent's quips to show i'm not amused (ineffective) -always keep an eye out for intern/job opportunities

So here's the question, what are some coping methods you guys use that don't require going out or spending much money? How do you create a "me time" environment at home, or just stay unbothered?

Thanks for listening.

Submitted November 30, 2014 at 10:49PM by Xavier1990 offmychest

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