Sunday, November 2, 2014

Ham is too lazy to take two steps to obtain her liquid beetus fatpeoplestories

The star of this story is GlassesScooterHam. She has been named as such because though she uses a scooter, she is not the same ScooterHam from my original story, and she wears glasses. Possibly in her 40's, but maybe her 50's - people who don't take care of themselves don't age well. I would estimate 300 pounds and average height, maybe 5'5. Not quite a hamplanet, but this story makes it clear she's going to be getting there in due time.

This is a work story. Generally, I stay in my department (the bakery) doing my thing, and most of our supplies are in the bakery, but there are a few things such as walnuts, or maraschino cherries, that we do not get in bulk from the companies we purchase cake/bakery supplies from. When I need said items, I have to go to the aisles where this or that is located, and just take it off the shelves (I write down what I take in the store log so it's not marked as shrink/shoplifted item)

On this particular day, I had to get crushed walnuts for the cake squares I was making, which is a dessert case item. As I am walking to the aisle, I see GlassesScooterHam. I'll just call her GSH from now on.

In the front end, we have about a dozen check-out aisles. At the front of each aisle, to tempt shoppers into making last-minute purchases of magazines, candy, or soda, are displays of either magazines, or refrigerators with clear glass doors displaying various forms of liquid beetus.

GSH is a regular at this store. I don't see her a LOT, but I have seen her at least several times, so I recognize her. She is on a scooter, near one of the beetus-fridges. She notices me, and calls me over. I wonder if something is the matter. She asks me to get her some soda from the fridge.

Opening the fridge door from the scooter is harder than if you just go up by yourself because you have to maneuver around the mass of the scooter, but opening the fridge door and reaching for soda is totally do-able if you just angle the scooter. She apparently didn't want to make that calculation. As an employee, the customer is always right (fuck that adage) and so I just say 'sure' and open the door and ask her which one she wants. She points it out, and I get it for her and hand it to her before going on my merry way to obtain the walnuts.

Now, you might be wondering, 'but she was in a scooter! you should be helping her anyway!'

Now is the time for the reveal. (drumroll) GSH was not in a personal Rascal. She was using one of the store scooters. Which she does EVERY SINGLE TIME I see her. So I know GSH is perfectly capable of mobility. She can walk from either her car or the bus stop, whatever one she uses to get to the store, walk into the store, and plop herself down in one of our scooters. She does not have a cane, this I know because as I said, she is a repeat customer.

She is perfectly capable of mobility, yet she does not want to lift herself from the scooter and take one, maybe two steps, to open the fridge door on her own to get her liquid beetus.

It was not until I returned to my work that I realize that she asked me to get her the soda in a completely cavalier manner, as if she was used to doing this at home to whoever she lives with. "Get me this. Get me that", whatever. I'll be frank, at this point, I was surprised she didn't already have her own personal Rascal, but given her laziness, she will likely be ending up in one in due time.

Submitted November 02, 2014 at 08:12PM by CalmMyTits fatpeoplestories

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