Friday, April 21, 2017

OK is it me or does ADHD strike right when you think you're on top of things? ADHD

So I had to a presentation for my Spanish class we had to bring in a picture from when we were little and just say some shit about it in Spanish. I thought I took one of the magnetic pictures of me off the refrigerator and put it in my bookbag. So now we're doing presentations and I go to take the picture out of my backpack and guess what guys? The picture is nowhere to be found. So here I am like an asshole being the only kid who forgot to bring in a picture. Except I didn't forget I just couldn't get the fucking thing from point A to point B. The bitch of it is I took my vyvanese today but I must have misplaced the picture before I took my meds and now it's in the black void wherever all my other missing shit is . I thought I was on top of it . Just when you think it's safe to go back to the beach ...

Submitted April 21, 2017 at 08:14PM by poltergoose420 ADHD

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