Friday, April 21, 2017

I have a very cool pitch for a Batman movie titles BATMAN: AWAKENING comicbooks

So I hate the new D.C. movies. I think the newest movies are complete trash. I also have a lot of issues with some comics, the Arkham video games, and the newest TellTale game. I think Batman has the greatest cast of characters in a franchise. I don't think the potential has been reached in an interesting way at all and the characters have gotten kind of stale. This is my pitch for a Batman film. It's its own thing and would eventually spin off into a franchise and an even larger D.C. universe, but upvote an let me know on Twitter if you want more pitches and ideas. @tylerblair34 is my handle.

So we start out establishing some basic rules. I want a more grounded Batman world and D.C. world in general. Also if we are going to have a large spanning franchise, I want very young but seasoned actors/actresses. We start out with a Batman who is 3 years into crime fighting. He has already trained with Ra's and we all know his parents are dead. There is no Justice League quite yet but these characters do exist. It's not like the Nolan movies where there is no mention of Superman or Flash, they exist but aren't these huge figures yet. Batman is the first. He is 22 years of age.

Casting List:

Batman: Awakening Casting: Batman- Scott Eastwood Joker- Dane Dehaan Harvey Dent/Two Face- Donald Glover Selina Kyle/Catwoman- Hailee Steinfeld Nora Freeze- Angourie Rice Vicki Vale- Kiernan Shipka Lieutenant Gordon- Ice Cube Harleen Quinzel/ Harley Quinn- Haley Lu Richardson Pamela Isley/Poison Ivy- Zoe Kravitz Alfred- Jeff Bridges

The film starts with a war zone. We are in Afghanistan and there is a small group American soldiers that have been stopped. A title card pops up with the place, and year (2011). The car is being shot at and soldiers are dropping but enemies are also being eradicated. Harvey Dent is shooting several taliban. The scene goes on for a while. Then suddenly he is one on one with another enemy and a fellow soldier is downed. He tells him to crawl over to him, also to lure the enemy out so he can pop him. There are other skirmishes occurring too. The fellow soldier crawls down a sand dune and when he's crawling he notices something. He hears a tick and BOOM, an IED goes off. We see the explosion and the credits open up with a very Wolf Among Us style opening. Neon lighting and several locations that are familiar. Arkham Asylum when Dane Dehaan's name pops up, a bank when Glovers does, Wayne Manor with Batman, and several others. I don't want certain names in the credits. Gordon, Alfred, Harley, Nora, and Ivy shouldn't occur. I want my film held back. The other characters are enough for the trailers and stuff to sell them. The other characters would be really cool "HOLY SHIT" moments in the movie, especially if people like said actors.

Then we go to Bruce Wayne at a stock holder conference. They are questioning him hard. I like Bruce Wayne in the public eye to be a bit of a douchey smart mouth. Kind of like Edge in WWE (bonus points if you understand that). Sitting at the table is also Lucius Fox. They discuss what the money is going toward, blah blah blah. They are shitting on Bruce because he doesn't appear in public very much. He isn't very "CEO" like. He simply remarks "I've been busy." The scene goes to Lucius and Bruce in the batcave. Bruce is typing something at the computer and Lucius asks him what upgrade he wants. Bruce says he wants a "underwater snorkel" installed to the cowl because he has to pay Croc a visit. This scene also establishes that Wayne has 3 people in his corner at board discussions, so they can never kick Bruce out. Lucius is a millionaire, but only cause Bruce gives him money out of his billions to invest and have a vote in decisions in his company. The other person is Cobblepot but he's not important to this movie or franchise quite yet. We'll touch up with him later if you guys would like. So Alfred walks in and overhears the discussion about the board not being happy. Bruce is throwing a party tomorrow night to help ease the tension on the board. The more people in his corner the better.

Batman is suited up and crawling through the sewer. We hear Alfred remark and Batman uses heat sensors to locate Killer Croc. Killer Croc pops up and breaks a piece of the wall and Batman bitch slaps him. Croc remarks that that shit hurts and Bruce apologizes. Batman tells Croc that he has been searching for some missing people. Croc says he's been hungry lately but people in Gotham have a certain stench that he wouldn't even entertain the idea of eating. My version of Croc is a big bulking monster. He's more the Arkham games version, but smart. He's aware of his disfigure and is ashamed. He hands a letter to Bruce and tells him to please give it to his wife and child. Croc was experimented on in Arkham after he was arrested for a domestic dispute and sent there. He isn't an angry vile and mean creature. He's more like Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Bruce sympathizes with him. This shows Batman as more of a caring and companionate character, something I felt was always lacking. His goal isn't to bring junkies and mentally ill to justice, it's to help them. Some people like your Falcone type characters are ones that Batman genuinely feels should just go to jail and don't need rehab, but that's where the difference occurs. Blackgate is for our criminals, Arkham is for the insane or ones that need helps, but both are owned by Oliver Queen. Croc tells Batman to promise him he'll find a fix to his issue. Batman does. He starts to leave. Croc tells him that he did pick up one detail. There's a lot of criminals and people coming up and some have escaped Arkham/Blackgate. Batman thanks him and Croc simply remarks "No, thank you."

We go now to Bruce at his party. He meets with Gordon and the GCPD who are there for security purposes. Gordon knows he's Batman and says "Don't you have somewhere to be? Like some late night cosplay or something? I thought it was Halloween all year for you kid!" Bruce wipes his chin with his middle finger. He asks Gordon if the new guy is here. Gordon says "Ah yes, Harvey come here please!" Harvey Dent, disfigured and all turns around. Now I've never understood the whole "EWWW HES DISFIGURED!!!" Thing in comics. It's stupid. Deadpool, Two Face, and The Thing are all characters who fall plague to this issue. People wouldn't turn their back on them, they'd understand the issue. Also there seems to be an unexplained discourse with Harvey's face and mental psychie. It's fucking dumb and I hate it. Harvey is disfigured, but he's absolutely loved. People love Harvey because he's a war hero. Which is also a big part of why he's so easy to exploit as a character #favoritevillain. They meet for the first time and Bruce tells him thank you for your service blah blah blah. They get along and talk about the wellbeing of Gotham. I want Harvey to be a lot like real life cop and ex marine Michael Woods Jr in the way he talks and everything. His lease on life and general unseriousness, but something very likable and no bullshit. Bruce goes around to other guests and Alfred stops him, saying "What is a kid doing here?" Bruce rolls his eyes and says "I'll deal with it."

Bruce walks up to this teen and says "Who the hell are you and how did you get in?" "Which part of that question do you want answered first?" she remarks. "Not. In. The. Mood." Bruce scowls. "Selina Kyle, and have you really never heard of lying and having a fake ID?" Bruce sighs. "How old are you? You shouldn't be here." She laughs. "You aren't very old yourself, Mr. Broad shoulders and five o'clock shadow! You look like you haven't slept in days. It's almost like you have a secret or something." "Leave or I'll have the cops escort you out." He says. "I don't think you want me spilling the beans, let me ask you something real quick." "Only if you promise to leave." Selina leans in and whispers "Would you like me to call you Bruce, Mr. Wayne, or Batman?" Bruce's eyes get large and he pulls her into a room to the side of the area where the guests are at. "Why would you make such an accusation?!?!" He says. "You didn't answer the question so I can't address you yet, SIR. It's not necessarily that hard to figure out. Billionaire + Shitty social skills= weirdo who beats up criminals at night." "I better not see you again." "Oh trust me, you will. You most certainly will." Selina walks out, saying "Man, you really do have quite the "tug" and some guests look at Bruce in disgust. Vicki Vale runs up behind Bruce. She asks about the party and keeps rambling off. Bruce looks at her and says "What the hell do you want for your blog this time Vicki?" She asks him his opinion on Batman and this random green vigilante. He says he thinks they are wastes of breathe and doesn't endorse such maniacs. She walks away.

At this point we'd be about 30ish minutes into the films runtime of 2:30 ish. We go to Bruce visiting Crocs family. A young mixed family. White wife, black daughter and son. They cry after reading the letter. Bruce just says "Sorry for your loss. He was a strong man but I suppose he just couldn't tough it out." Leaving assumption that the letter says something about him killing himself in Arkham.

We then cut to Selina in bed with Ivy. Yes, I'm making my fucking Batman universe diverse. I'm not just doing it cause "YAY DIVERSITY!!!" But I feel like Catwoman being bisexual and Ivy being a lesbian, as well as a black Harvey and Gordon being black fit the universe. It's mostly due to the casting just fitting and working, I genuinely would love to see these actors play these rolls. They kiss and Selina's sister Nora scares the shit out of them. She says she's scared because it's storming. They live in a shitty crammed little apartment. Here we establish that Selina and Nora were in the same foster home, and Selina said fuck this and took Nora with her to Gotham AKA shitland. Ivy is also in a Nirvana shirt and Selina is wearing a Illmatic tee shirt cause I've always loved the idea of Ivy being a hard rock ripped up jeans kick ass female villain. Also little details like that add to character so fuck it. Also we learn that the person that adopted them is in Arkham now. She tucks her sister into bed and Alice in Wonderland is playing in the background. <FORSHADOWING THE FUTURE>

We go now to Arkham and Gordon and Harvey are talking to Harley Quinn who isn't quite Harley Quinn yet. "How did he get OUT!!!" Screams Gordon. "I DONT KNOW! IT JUST HAPPENED!" Harley replies and is crying. "Gordon, let me handle this." Says Harvey. "I need you to remember as much as you possibly can." Harley recalls the events and says that there was an outbreak in the lunch area (?) and says he escaped when Victor Zsaz stabbed another inmate the same way Joker helps Bruce in the TellTale game cause that scene was fucking awesome. As she tells this we go to a flashback of the event. "What did you learn?" Asks Gordon as Harvey leaves. "She said we need to go to the sewers to find him."

We then go to Catwoman and Ivy and they are breaking into a bank. There aren't any police because they are dealing with the sewer thing, so they break in easily with Ivy because she uses a tow truck to break open the safe. The truck says "Cobblepot's Towing". They remark about stealing from the rich (Cobblepot). Catwoman takes money and the sirens have gone off but not for long since they broke in by ramming the building. Ivy grabs the money and runs back to the truck but she notices somebody standing behind the truck. She yells "Hey, ITS THAT DAMN BAT DUDE!!!" Selina yells back "GET THE HELL OUT!!! ILL FIND YOU LATER!" Ivy backs up and Batman dodges and that buys enough time for Selina to use her whip to get to a rooftop. Batman looks at the truck and then the rooftop. Rooftop it is. He zips up and starts his pursuit of Catwoman. She and him go back and forth and she gets lots of different hits on him and he is obviously holding back. She kicks him in the mouth and kicks him in the balls and he hurls over, she zips upward on another rooftop and he pulls out a Batarang and it cuts through the whip. She falls and rolls off the rooftop. Bruce gets up and jumps off the building doing the whole swoop and save her thing. He glides into Crime Alley with her. He lays her down and she says "Thanks I guess, I'm assuming you are sending me to Blackgate huh? Um, I'm sorry we are here. Not really that romantic." Shot pans to the alley sign. "All that matters is that you stole. Where did your partner go!" "That's a secret." She goes to grab the zipline and he grabs her arm and slams her down. "Maybe this is your idea of romantic, but certainly not mine!" "WHERE DID THAT TRUCK GO!" "It's an Oswald Cobblepot towing truck. She went to dump our money off but she's leaving some of it to get him arrested." We took all the 1's, 5's, 10's, and 20's. The rest is the banks money, we took the untraceable shit. Good luck assh-" Batman rips off her mask. "Ow, the hair man, you just pulled a ton of my hair!" "Selina Kyle?" Batman ponders. "You didn't notice? My trash talking wasn't enough?" "You shouldn't be out here." "Well, the only real danger was those boomerang thingys. I'll have you know I've never had an alarm go off before." "They are called Batarangs." "Cool, and my refrigerator is called Endless Carb Tunnel." "Gotham is dangerous." "Not as dangerous as it seems." She zips away. The camera goes to a small black sticker that's on her boot. It's a tracking device that keeps on Shining a small white light that's barely visible.

We go to the sewer and the cops fight Croc who's deathly afraid of them and fighting out of fear. He accidentally kills a couple of cops and Harvey shoots when he goes to bite at Gordon who has tazed him. It doesn't kill him, as we can see the top of his skull regenerating. They search around and in Crocs little dwelling area where he sleeps they find a Joker card that says "Play your cards right. ❤️Mr. J" The police rush back to Arkham and it's now overrun by The Joker and Harley Quinn.

That's where I'll leave it. The rest of the story is pretty straightforward. That would be at approximately an hour of the story. I would have Joker turn Harvey and capture him and go between the scenes of Harley and Joker torturing and messing with Harvey to get him to become Two Face and Batman beating up some B-level villains with the help of Catwoman and Ivy in a sort of "The Raid: Redemption" style series of fight scenes. The end would be Harvey turning fully and holding Ivy at gunpoint and Batman would save her. Then Catwoman and Ivy would restrain and beat up Harvey and Quinn while Batman went after Joker and it would end with Joker getting captured after a very similar to the end of Killing Joke where he just kinda has a chat with Batman. That would be my ending. It successfully sets up Gordon, Harvey, Catwoman, Harley, Ivy, Joker, and others along the way, building a rogues gallery but establishing characters with their own little moments, but not doing a full origin story. There would also be an end credits scene with Mr. Freeze in a cell in Arkham and holding a photo of Nora. I like the idea of the sequel being Freeze and Mad Hatter going at it because of Selina and Nora. Freeze being the biological father of Nora, and Hatter being the father that adopts but thinks that Nora is Alice and Selina is the Cheshire Cat. The real conflict being that Nora doesn't want to go with either of them.

Let me know if you guys want more stuff like this. I think it's kinda cool, and it's easy for me to come up and even think of this stuff. But it's 3:15 AM and I've been siting here typing this out for an hour now. Thanks guys.

Submitted April 21, 2017 at 01:47PM by hyp3on comicbooks

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