Sunday, December 28, 2014

To my dearest snack exchange santa... BabyBumps

I received what I believe has come from you, a wonderful hamper of all things decadent and elegant and amazingly pregnant safe cheese platter items, shipped directly from the supplier.

It is a wonderful gift and i will be keeping the cheeses in the fridge until after I have my baby-ectomy in a little over a week. Unfortunately there was no card, so I can't thank you personally for the thought you put into the gift. The only reason I am waiting to eat the cheese is that there ended up being a slight complication. My gift was delivered at 6pm on Xmas eve. I was out with my family and missed the postman who took the gift to the post office, rather than leave it in the warm Australian outdoors. UNFORTUNATELY this meant the post office held my package hostage over Xmas day and boxing day (being closed for public holidays) then also Saturday and Sunday. It was picked up at 6am this morning (monday) the ice pack well and truly melted. the other items (other than cheese) are obviously fine (and you will find me in a cupboard eating the quince jam directly from the jar). I spoke to the supplier this morning and they assure me that the cheeses are "matured cheeses in shrink wrap" and they are aged in not refrigerator environments and accordingly will be safe for consumption, however to avoid the risk on uncontrolled vomiting with a c/s wound I will wait. I am totally taking the risk after though, despite my husbands insistence that he will "fall on his sword" and eat it now and take the risk for me :)

Thank you for your wonderful, thoughtful gift

Submitted December 29, 2014 at 07:59AM by lawyerlady BabyBumps

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