Sunday, December 28, 2014

TIFU by letting curiosity get the best of me tifu

Soooo.... my ex and I had broken up a few months previous, but were still friendly. We had a lot of friends & interests in common at that point, and probably should always have just been friends as we just lack chemistry. We were both dating other people and so on. I went up one day to have him and whoever else was around fix something on my car for me (he was the one who started modifying/teaching me how to work on both of my cars, so did what he could to help with upkeep of my fussy babies).

Before I had moved out, I was the one that took care of the bills I found/knew about (he was..just really bad at adulting at that point). Within days of my leaving the water got shut off, with electricity following shortly after. He was staying other places, but it was a convenient place to work on the car. Whatever was happening, I got bored while they were working and went inside to get some shht I left there (I moved out with little planning and eventually lost thousands of dollars in shht when the house got repo'ed, but that's another series of FU's).

I don't know WTF possessed me, but all of a sudden my eyes fell on the refrigerator. No. I knew for a fact that there had been like 35 lbs of roasts, chicken, a small turkey, etc in the freezer. NO. I knew, ultimately, that there was no way that he'd taken the time to empty it. Power had been cut in March, and it was now a hot, July day. OMG no, why?

No, yeah, I decided I had to know. I did it. I opened the freezer. And..Oh. My. God. I slammed it shut just as fast and ran outside. It was the worst thing I have ever smelled, hands down. I won't get descriptive, just trust that it was horrible. Awful. Clearly, the meat was still there, it was just less...solid.

Also, I clearly had no good fucking excuse for having done one of the single most mind-numbingly stupid things I have ever done. I tried to pretend nothing had happened, in hopes of escaping the obvious questions, mostly the same question ("WHY?!") Over and over again. But, the kitchen window was only like 20 feet from where they were working on the car, so my hopes were short-lived.

Luckily, I had clearly already been punished so they actually didn't pick on me too badly, they just took a break and came over to have a smoke in the "safe" location I had taken up upwind.

Tl;dr: Let curiosity get the best of me and opened a freezer full of putrid meat up on a hot day. Almost died of inhalation poisoning, and embarassment.

Submitted December 28, 2014 at 07:44PM by SomeDumBetch tifu

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