Sunday, December 28, 2014

Just another entitlemommy bragging about her Sneauflayke breakingmom

I recently learned that our friends on my favorite subreddit that I can't name have been lurking here again to laugh at our horrible misfortune being parents, and sending hateful messages to one of our own.

So I just thought I would take this opportunity to shamelessly brag about what a delight my daughter is, and hopefully offer a light at the end of the tunnel for any of you in the trenches of tantrum-y toddlers. I admit I had a rough patch for a few months as she became very mobile and willful and I was worried about what the rest of her toddlerhood would be like. But in the last month or so she has chilled out a lot and become significantly more awesome.

She is better at throwing things in the trash than her 35 year old father, and helps me out when we cook dinner together. She also opens and closes the refrigerator and cabinets, and cleans up her messes. Yes, after she takes all the stuff out of a cabinet or box, she puts it back on her own.

We are working on "please" and "thank you." She mostly has please down, and there is fucking nothing cuter than my kid saying, "up peeeease!"

She is hilarious in the way that only toddlers can be hilarious. She uses the dog water to style her hair. She pokes my nose and says "NOSE!" She makes dolphin sounds and monkey sounds to pass the time.

She is totally honest and transparent. You know exactly what she loves (berries, Elmo, milk, books) and exactly what she doesn't (diaper changes, anyone leaving the room ever, seeing a pool and not going in it).

And she loves making people smile. Whenever we're in eye contact range with a stranger, she tries to make eye contact until she cracks them and they smile. She wins every time.

Submitted December 29, 2014 at 11:31AM by justsomemammal breakingmom

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