Sunday, December 28, 2014

Do ghosts enjoy pizza? nosleep

Who's parents have gone out and ordered you and a friend pizza for dinner? Well, it's only happened a couple of times for me also.

One evening back in October, my friend Mayra came over. My mom and her boyfriend went to a haunted house or whatever, did their own thing. My little sister with a friend so there again, leaving the house to my friend and I.

Upon ordering pizza, we ate the whole thing and each saved a slice for later. I closed the pizza box and left it on the coffee table. Us being rebellious teenagers, went for a walk to the gas station a few streets away. After our trek, we came home and sat at the computer. Mayra opened the pizza box in surprise and said, "Hey Traci, did you eat the pizza?" and I, thinking she was joking, laughed and replied with a no. I thought nothing of it and we waited for my mom to come home.

When she walked through the door, she opened the pizza box saying something like, "Wow, I guess you two enjoyed the pizza!" I shook that off also until bed time. I told Mayra I was going to put the remaining pizza slices in the refrigerator and I'd be in my room. I picked up the pizza box, and it felt oddly light so I opened it to find it empty. I told Mayra about it and explained how I thought she was joking.

It stuck me as odd, and I know I left the door unlocked but who in their right mind would invade someone's house just for a couple of slices of pizza? The whole experience was unnerving and shook both of us up. Was it a glitch in the matrix or do ghosts like pizza?

Submitted December 29, 2014 at 01:37AM by maydayparading nosleep

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