Sunday, December 28, 2014

27 [M4F] Quetzalcoatl and Easter, New Years Day, and The Fence dirtypenpals

Cum with me on an adventure. Shining, shimmering, splendid :)

Quetzalcoatl and Easter

The diesel motor chugs to a halt on the open green plains of the midlands. A dapper hatted man steps out of the car. His tan overcoat moves like the scaly skin of a serpent, and frames his navy blue suit, and red tie. He has the build of an athlete ten years after his prime. But what immediately catches her eye is the living evergreen aberration hidden in his brown eyes, a disfigurement one would not usually catch if not looking for it.

She holds her maroon fur coat tightly to her body, and with her leather gloved hand knocks the door open. A veil covers her black hat and face. But the outlines of her smooth brow, and red lips are focused. She moves one stockinged leg over the other until the two meet in the middle of the grassy overcast field.

A stone wall, stands before them, in defiance of time, but showcasing the scars of the struggle. Furry moss, green lichen, and heavy scratches mar the surface of each stone embedded in the ancient wall. The overcast clouds condense and coalesce, smothering the warmth of the sun. Instead of sun rays, now rays of shadow highlight the landscape.

Walking along the wall, he speaks first in an accented brogue,"Shall we make it rain?"

New Years Day

So here she is again, stuck in a party surrounded by friends of friends. She constantly checks her wrist watch, watching the seconds hand tick down the seconds until the ball drops, and she has an excuse to leave. Drinking a lukewarm can of Pabst, she stares bored at the greasy kitchen walls of the apartment.

Couples corner themselves wrapped up in each others bodies. She gags a bit watching their lovesick movements, rushing to the window cracked open. She takes a deep breath of the polluted New York City air, and watches the pedestrians walk to the New York minute, shrouded in importance and striding with purpose their own. Love, she thinks, is a drab whore, and takes another drag of her nearly empty can. She holds her breasts up under her crossed arms, pouting.

He worms his way towards her, letting his brown wavy hair cropped short dangle. She immediately notices, but remains acting oblivious. A horny alpha, in a ironic sweater, cuts her line and pumps his large arms again the tiny frame. Speaking in doggish lexicon, "Hey, Sweet Cherry. Do you want to be plucked?" She yawns against his raging boner, and blushes. "Sorry I'm not interested." He shrugs, "Your loss cunt."

She is shocked and a little angry, but lets it fade. The other man enters the space left by the Alpha's masculine aura, and holds her an unopened can, but she shakes her head. He sets it, sweating condensation, down on the window sill, and stares out the window with her. Enjoying being in a social group, part of friends, part man, part woman, part human, and especially part silence.

The white, and blue glow of smart phone screens dabble the collage of hot bodies, whimsical dresses, and stale conversation. The occasional nervous giggle punctuates the crowd of noises, accompanied by a solo of the humming refrigerator, percussion of water pipes.

Trying to survive the painful silence, she says,"My name is…"

The Fence

I just started school. You are my older neighbor. We have known each other since we were little, occasionally you would be asked to baby sit me and my sister. But once we got to high school, we stopped associating at school, one of those bullshit social things that happens. But I have always had a crush on you, and spied on you through the crack in our fence. After getting my report card, my mom wants me to get a tutor. She calls you up and asks if you would be willing to tutor me.

If any of these Prompt's perked your interest. Please feel free to PM me. Don't feel intimidated.

I am looking for Long Term or Short Term RP, in the form of PM, google docs, or the lovely IRC chat provided on DPP.

Or if you can prove your worth a rapid sexting throwaway partner.

Ladies please read my profile to get an idea of my kinks

Submitted December 29, 2014 at 10:44AM by tartarus00001 dirtypenpals

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