Friday, November 24, 2017

first timer - mold on my lonza - could use instructions/directions Charcuterie

Pictures of the fuzzy mold on my lonzas

tldr - Can't seem to control the mold on lonza, should I wait to put my pancettas in the fridge until I can get the mold under control? And how to control it?

Here are all the details I can think of for my situation. So I bought a kinda gross used fridge, hosed it down inside and out, cleaned it inside and out with dish soap, and then wiped it down with lysol wipes. I prepped and cured the lonzas according to the recipe, and hung them up after curing. My humidity controller was set for 78%, but the humidity would rise up to 82-84% after a couple of hours, and it wouldn't drop (unless it was really cold outside and the little heat lamp would turn on, then the humidity seemed to go down a bit). I finally noticed that the freezer portion of the fridge had condensed water drops in it. I think that when I hosed down the refrigerator, some water got into the cracks and crevices of the part that separates the fridge and the freezer. I dried the freezer, and decided to leave the freezer open overnight and see what happens. The humidity of the fridge in the morning was 76%, which seems pretty good, but the mold on my lonza just keeps coming. The mold started occurring 3 days ago. I wiped it down with white vinegar at night, and when I checked it the following night, more mold was back. So each night these past 3 nights I have wiped them down with vinegar. This morning I decided to check it, and the mold was back. I wiped it down this morning, but I don't really know what to do at this point.

Structured Timeline:
Nov. 13th: Hung lonzas after their cure.
Nov 14th-19th: Humidity would creep to the low 80s even though humidifier controller would stop humidifier at 76%.
Nov 20th: Didn't check on the lonza for 2 days, and on the 20th, they were growing some fuzzy white (and a teensy bit of green bits) of mold. Wiped with vinegar in the evening when I found it. Completely unplugged humidifier (even though I trust the controller was turning it off).
Nov 21st: Wiped with vinegar in the evening.
Nov 22nd: Wiped with vinegar in the evening, and found the water in the freezer. I have left the freezer door open since then.
Nov 23rd: Humidity was lower than 80% finally (around 75%) but the mold was back. Wiped it in the evening.
Nov. 24th: Humidity was 75% in the morning, mold was back in the morning. Wiped it in the morning.

I have a dehumidifier being shipped right now, should I use it to drop the humidity down even more (below 75-ish)? Should I clean my fridge again in hopes of removing mold? If so, should I just spray with down with bleach? I have 3 pancettas that are just about finished curing that I wanna hang...but not if they are just gonna get fuzzy moldy too.

Any advice/tips/tricks would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced.

Submitted November 25, 2017 at 12:40AM by godlychaos Charcuterie

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