Friday, March 31, 2017

Mint Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies recipes

Almost every weekend I bake a different cheesecake square or chocolate
brownies. On Mondays I take them to work. They are always a hit and this
is one of my favorites. Rich, fudgy, chocolate brownies swirled with tangy,
refreshing mint cheesecake!



  • 8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate*
  • 1 stick butter**
  • 1 ¼ cups sugar
  • ¾ cup flour
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • ¼ teaspoon of salt


  • 8 ounces cream cheese, softened to room temperature
  • 1 egg yolk
  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ teaspoon peppermint extract
  • 2 to 4 drops green food coloring
  • ⅔ cup mint chocolate chips


  • Additional mint chocolate chips to sprinkle on top


  1. Melt chocolate and butter in a large saucepan*** over low heat.
    Let cool completely, about 30-45 minutes on the counter or 15-20
    minutes in the refrigerator.

  2. Once chocolate is cooled, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease
    or line a 9x9 baking dish with foil or parchment paper.

  3. Stir sugar into melted chocolate. Add one egg at a time, stirring until
    smooth between each egg. Stir in vanilla then gently fold in flour and salt.

  4. Using a stand mixer or a handheld mixer make mint cheesecake by
    creaming together cream cheese, sugar, egg yolk, peppermint extract,
    and food coloring until combined. Stir in by hand the ⅔ cup of mint chocolate chips.

  5. Pour ¾ of brownie batter into prepared baking dish. Spread dopples of
    the cheesecake mixture over brownie batter. Add remaining brownie batter
    and swirl brownie batter and cheesecake layer with a table knife.
    Sprinkle with extra mint chocolate chips.

  6. Bake until toothpick comes out clean, 45-60 minutes. Allow to cool completely.

This Recipe Is Published Here

Submitted April 01, 2017 at 05:35AM by bob-the-cook recipes

[PI] The Office - FirstChapter - 2437 Words WritingPrompts

Chapter 1: The Misplaced Soul

It must've been sometime after-hours when they set up the decorations for Kent. There were streamers strewn about the office, some covering the desks and computers of irritable workers who had to swipe them off once they got in and saw the mess on their workspace. The mess of decorations led towards the break room of the office, where a fairly large chunk of workers were congregating in celebration of Kent's recent triumph, and soon his departure.

The office break room was fairly large with several square tables spaced about, a counter with a coffeemaker, and several refrigerators where the employees could keep their lunch if they didn't feel like dealing with the hustle and bustle of the lunch hour rush. Several of the square tables had been pushed together to form one long row, and the chairs that had went with them were pulled away and stacked in a corner.

There was a cake at the center of the row, half vanilla and half chocolate split right down the middle. There was paper plates neatly set to the side along with an assortment of plastic utensils, all neatly organized and sorted, forks with the forks, spoons with the spoons, knives with the knives. Above the table hung a banner that read in black bold letters,

10,000,000 CONGRATULATIONS KENT 10,000,000

Standing underneath the banner was the man of the hour, Kent Iverson. He was looking down at the cake with eyes sunken into his head, their bright blue irises looking as if they were trying to sunset behind his cheekbones. Despite the hesitant smile on his face, the man looked tired and on the verge of keeling over. The people standing around him, his teammates, watched him with solemn yet envious eyes.

"Did he get ten million, or twenty million? The sign confuses me," Mickey said to Charlie. The two were sitting at one of the only tables of the break room that hadn't been nuked with cheap party decorations. Mickey took a bite from his peanut butter and jelly sandwich that was sloppily put together with an uneven ratio of PB to J, this time around way too much jelly. He awkwardly held the sandwich up and unabashedly slurped the grape goo leaking out the bottom.

"Just ten million," Charlie said as he stirred his modest cup of noodles.

"Wowza," Mickey said with a mouthful of sandwich, "that's a lot isn't it, especially for the Suicide Division, yeah?"

"Yeah, he's been here for awhile."

Porcelain, the manager of the Suicide Division, was speaking to Kent and the group, possibly words of gratitude and congratulations, but her voice was too soft to be heard from where Mickey and Charlie were sitting. She stuck out amongst her subordinates with her long white hair and ghastly pale skin.

"And how long is awhile?" Mickey asked.

"A couple of years, I can't remember right now. I would have to go back and check the numbers," Charlie said, carefully lifting his fork to his mouth. He had twirled around a good amount of noodles and didn't want to spill any of the broth onto his pants. He still had someone to meet later in the evening and he wanted to look presentable.

"Years? Took years for him to get ten mil? If he were on my team, he would've cranked out ten mil in a few months."

"You don't have to brag, everyone knows Illness is the best."

"You're damn right. You see my team's numbers. You know what we're pulling."

Charlie smiled, "Yeah, and I also know that your numbers have been on a steady decline for the past few decades."

He knew that was a weak spot for Mickey. He looked over from his noodles and saw Mickey already squirming in his seat, using one hand to sweep a lock of black hair behind his ear. It was one of his give-away ticks before he went on a tirade. Over at the table, they were cutting the cake. Kent looked like all he wanted in the world was to just leave the office and never come back.

"Fuckin' modern medicine," Mickey began.

And here we go, Charlie thought.

"I swear to ya, no matter what I do, no matter what I throw at them, they just happen to find a cure within the next year or so. Fuckin polio? Dealt with it. Swine flu? Dealt with it. Ebola? No problema. I swear they're about to crack AIDS, and there goes one of my other heavy hitters.

They just stick a needle in your arm, and bam, that disease I put so much work and thought into, disintegrated. Vaccinated. Inoculated. Charlie, buddy, do you know how much trouble I had to go through to get AIDS approved? I had to even tone it back a little bit, too scared of letting it spread through saliva, something something 'gonna wipe out the human race'. They just wouldn't let me have it as it was."

"Well," Charlie interrupted, "you have to understand it from their point of view. On paper, AIDS could've potentially been like the sexual version of the comet that wiped out the dinosaurs. People just want to, well, ya know."

"I KNOW! That's what made it so good! That's what was gonna keep the Illness Division on top, but now here I am having to let go workers because the numbers are dropping and there's not enough souls for my guys to reap."

"The numbers are still high, you don't have to worry. Heart disease is still going strong too."

"But the numbers are dropping, you said so yourself," Mickey said, slouching in his chair.

Charlie patted him on the back, "You've still got cancer though. They're not taking that away from you anytime soon."

"You're right, but they're getting close to it."

Charlie enjoyed setting his friend off, but this time felt different. Usually he was able to talk him back up after breaking him down, but the cancer comment didn't seem to lift his spirits. Mickey had been right. Charlie was the office's number cruncher after all, and he had noticed a large drop in deaths from cancer over the past couple of years. The folks on the breathing side certainly were getting better at making death by illness less of a concern. If they kept it up, Mickey and his entire division would surely become obsolete, but the execs wouldn't let that happen, would they?

In an attempt to change the topic, Charlie nudged Mickey, "Look at him," he said while nodding towards Kent. "Looks like he just wants to flip the table and get out of here."

"Right," Mickey said, "I'd want to leave too after having to deal with that dull broad of a boss for all these years."

"Porcelain isn't so bad, she's just quiet."


"Ten million souls by suicide. Must've been hell on the poor guy. They really should just get on with the cake and celebration and let him get on out of here. He's done his time–

"Mickey?" a woman's voice whispered from the side.

Standing there was Jewels, a lively woman with curly brown hair that hovered above her shoulders with unexplainable springiness. She was the office secretary and in charge of handling meetings for the president of the office, Lucy.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I hate to bother you, but Lucy needs to see you. You too Charlie. Hope y'all are finished with lunch."

"What's the matter?" Charlie asked, already standing from his chair.

"There's been another mix-up," Jewels said shyly.

Mickey's eyes went wide, "By one of my guys?!"

Jewels cringed.

"Bloody bastard!" Mickey yelled before storming out of the break room and towards Lucy's private office. Jewels quickly followed behind.

Before leaving, Charlie looked over at the party and saw that everyone there had gone silent and were staring.

Porcelain raised an eyebrow, and Charlie responded with a shrug before leaving to follow Mickey and Jewels.

"Can I go now?" Kent asked softly.

Lucy's office was filled with cigarette smoke. She had been puffing away since getting the news. She sat behind a large oak table that had folders and documents scattered about. Somewhere beneath them was a keyboard, and her monitor was barely balancing on the edge of the desk.

Sitting in a chair in a corner of the office, covering his mouth with a shaky hand to avoid breathing in the acrid smoke, was Seth Burgess. His gaze was down at the floor, afraid to look up and meet the fiery stare from Lucy. Seth didn't need to look up to know that she was staring a hole into the top of his head. He could feel the rage pouring off of her in hot waves.

The two had been sitting in silence for several minutes as Jewels collected Seth's boss and the office accountant. The silence was broken by Mickey, slamming the door open and immediately yelling:

"What the fuck?! Seth? Again? That's the second time in four years!"

"I, it was different this time boss, I, I swear, I–

"Oh yeah? How was it different this time Seth, huh, how was it you bloody dumb bastard!" "Mickey, hands to yourself," Lucy said in a stern voice. "We already have a problem right now, we don't need more problems with you putting hands on another one of my employees."

"Yeah? He deserves it though doesn't he?"

Charlie slinked passed Mickey and over to Lucy's desk, "He grabbed the wrong soul?"

Lucy puffed on a cigarette held deftly between her index and middle finger, and nodded.

"Do you have documents on both of them ready?" Charlie asked.

She padded around on her desk until she found two folders, one red and the other blue. "Blue one is the one he nabbed, red one is the one he was supposed to get."

Charlie opened the blue folder and pulled out the document. It was a detailed soul report with a picture of the person in the top right corner, a blonde woman by the name of Hannah Morenez. According to today's date, she was scheduled to die fifteen years and a handful of days from now via stroke.

He opened the red folder and winced when he saw that this soul report was for a man by the name of Roger Clementine. He was scheduled to die today due from complications during his quadruple bypass surgery. Charlie turned back to look at Mickey.

"At least tell me they look similar, twins maybe, and this daft bastard happened to grab the wrong one," Mickey said in a defeated yet desperate voice.

Lucy huffed, exhaling large plumes of cigarette smoke.

Even the normally reserved and relaxed Charlie was baffled at the mistake. "How?" he asked Seth.

"They, uh, the hospital, the sign on the door, it said Roger, I swear it said Roger, so I went in, and I grabbed the soul, because, well, the sign–

"Seth, does this look like a Roger to you?" Charlie said, holding up Hannah's picture.

"I, I dunno, I mean, have you been to breathing side lately? All this talk, of, umm, gender fluidity and what not, she could've been a, um, she could've been a Roger, she–

"Shut the hell up before I dig a hole in the ground and send you there my bloody self," Mickey said, "you fuckin' disgrace of a reaper."

Seth promptly complied.

Lucy spoke abruptly, "There's an Angel on the way to the hospital right now. He's got Hannah's soul. I need you two," she said pointing with index and middle finger at Charlie and Mickey, "to go there and meet him. Get the soul situation straightened out."

"Aye aye captain," Charlie said jokingly in an attempt to lighten the mood. No one laughed.

"And this bastard?" Mickey said pointing to Seth, who had once again rooted his gaze to the carpet floor.

"I'll deal with him," Lucy said.

"Good, because I don't want to lay eyes on him ever again," Mickey said, opening the door and briskly walking out of the cigarette smoke fogged office.

With both folders in hand, Charlie followed, pausing just before leaving the office to look at Seth. The employee looked up at Charlie with red teary eyes. His lips were trembling, and he was opening his mouth as if he was trying to say something, but all that came out were mumbles. He kept rubbing at his forearms as if he were freezing, despite the small cramped office being exceptionally warm.

Charlie moved his hand as if he meant to place it on Seth's shoulder, but pulled it back.

"Sorry guy," he said before leaving the office.

Charlie half-jogged down the length of the office building to catch up to Mickey, who was briskly walking towards the traversal room. He peered at the break room as he passed by and saw that the Suicide Division employees had cleared out. Kent was long gone, and deservedly so.

He finally caught up to Mickey as he turned the corner to enter the traversal room; a place in the office similarly sized to the break room, but instead of tables, countertops, refrigerators and such, all there was were doors lining the walls. The managers of the death divisions had their own personalized doors, while all the others employees had generic and unassigned doors.

Mickey's personal door was painted black, including the brass doorknob. He had a hand on the knob and was ready to throw the door open. "Will you come already? Slow-poke, I'd rather get this done as quickly as possible, and I swear if that Angel gives me any shit I might, Charlie, I just fuckin' might."

"I'm coming," Charlie huffed, "you do know that Seth is going to lose his job right? You could've tried to get him moved to another division or something."

"Charlie, look at the documents, how in the world can anyone mess that up? It's embarrassing."

"But you do realize what will happen to him, right?"

"Oh I know, and he deserves it, now come on, let's get this over with."

Mickey pulled open his traversal door, revealing the long hallway of a busy hospital with nurses walking to and fro. The smell of medicine and sanitary products filled both of their nostrils.

Charlie breathed deeply, admiring and treasuring every chance he got to experience the scents of the breathing world.

Mickey scoffed, "Fuckin' hospitals, putting me out of business."

Together they stepped through the door into the breathing world, leaving Purgatory behind only long enough to get Hannah's soul back into her body.

Submitted April 01, 2017 at 03:15AM by Dimitri1033 WritingPrompts

Are nutritionists giving bad advice? diabetes

So I am an obsessive type and I have spent many years obsessing about eating, losing weight, being healthy - all of these things have never worked of course and have led to what is likely some form of eating disorder, but still, it set me on this path to figuring out food.

Tiny bit about me: I am 33 years old. I was very active growing up and as a teenager, healthy weight but chesty and thought I was "fat" at 120-125 pounds (shut up younger me, you idiot), and totally ate whatever I wanted through high school. One thing to note was that I rarely ate breakfast or lunch and would eat after school hours only, for a variety of reasons I won't get into here. At about 19 years old, after being in college for a year (stressful year), I probably weighed about 130 pounds. By the time I was 20, I weighed 200. I blamed stress, school, severe insomnia, something of a caffeine addiction (damn you, cherry coke), and that I was less active because I was so busy (and I went to school where there was always snow and ice, so I walked to class, but I did not go out for regular walks in between just for fun). Yes, all those things realistically could turn into such an extreme gain and I was told by my doctors that it was simply all those things, genetics, and that I was "getting older" (I still don't get wtf that could mean from 19 to 20 years old).

After nearly a decade of probably having Hashimoto's and it going untreated, I'm finally receiving appropriate treatment for it while I'm bouncing between 260-270 pounds (oh, and I'm a hair's breath away from 5'1"), the heaviest I've ever been. I have followed many life-altering diets, including weight watchers where I did lose 30 pounds, then bounced back up and more while still doing all the same things for weight watchers and aside from those special 30 pounds, I've never done anything but gain or remain the same. I was also told years ago that I had diabetes when doctors after that said "but all of these numbers are indicators that this is not diabetes" and have been pretty mentally messed up over this since (understandably). In the approximate decade since all that weight gain and my graduation from college and attempts to eat more like a normal person should, I've seen a variety of nutritionists who seem to all give similar advice that is the opposite of what my own research says.

I was actually pretty proud of myself after having more than one meal over the past few weeks since I attended a diabetes education group course March 7, 8, and 9. My A1C officially hit 6.5 in January and my primary care doctor told the paper "you are diagnosed," so I initiated finding more help, which was those classes. I saw the nutritionist one on one yesterday. Aside from how I couldn't convince my doctor to test for Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (which I have some red flags for and my GI says he's pretty sure I have an autoimmune B12 thing that he's waiting to test again about) and felt annoyed that I once again had to hear how I've obviously been doing so many bad things that I caused diabetes, I was at least grateful that the nutritionist didn't harp on weight too much.

She did, however, insist that if I simply follow the Plate method, I will lose weight. And my A1C will go down. Well... okay I can try this I guess along with learning to eat more than once, sure. But then she scolded me (like kind of a lot) for having any saturated fat on the plate. "Oh bacon should be once a month at most!" "Don't use butter to saute vegatables, use PAM spray!" (ew, no)

I was super proud that I had managed to eat more than once in a day, and was learning to listen to my body's signals (I frequently have no idea when I'm hungry, sometimes eat a tiny bit of food and feel full, and then sometimes have days where I realize it's 8 p.m. and I'm not just hungry, I'm ready to eat the refrigerator door.), and that the bacon in particular seemed to make me feel full for longer, seemed to significantly lower my blood sugar readings (which she said I was wrong about and that I should test more to clarify - while avoiding the bacon), and gave me some energy, something that my other problems frequently cause me to have none of. She again insisted that using butter at all was terrible and that diabetics can't have saturated fat. I asked why things like the Paleo diet worked and she said it wouldn't work for me because diabetes increases risk for heart disease. I tried to say but isn't it that animal fat, the saturated fat she's so afraid of, actually helps clear those clogs that are from carbohydrates, especially added sugars? It's like I was speaking in tongues.

Here's just a little of my research with links, and I won't list every obscure article ever:

Article from Time that discusses a book that urges saturated fats be included in a diet rather than eliminated or severely restricted This Harvard Health article takes blame away but isn't comfortable saying eat saturated fat to your heart's content, but still points to the real problems The Naughty Nutritionist - an article for Psychology Today about bacon and saturated fat Article about Saturated Fat I have read the Nourishing Traditions book, here's a link to their website This book I've read summaries about, but haven't gotten my hands on yet - Same authors and similar to previous book Book Documenting a Family's Year With No Sugar Fat Head Documentary

I am going to spend a month, between now and April 27 when my next appointment with the nutritionist is, doing this plate thing as best I can, and she insists that it will be so healthy and I will just lose weight without counting anything (an important thing for someone who has some OCD running through her veins that has been a black hole of lunacy previously in creating counting logs). A friend of mine who has no metabolic conditions but has generally hovered at 60+ pounds to lose up and down through her life started a "crazy" diet from her acupuncturist who wants her to slather everything in butter, avoid carbs that aren't in vegetables (I think she can have fruit, too) and eat as much meat and cheese as she pleases, the more the better, fatty, lean, organs, everything. In about the same amount of time that I have been doing this "eat more often and use this plate thing" she has been aiming per acupuncturist's recommendations to use half a pound of butter a week and in literally only days longer than I have been doing this (I think she started 5 days before me), she has lost 13 pounds. The scale at the nutritionist's said I lost 4, which I think is simply water weight and bloat (I have IBS and I know that I was very bloated the evening they first weighed me, because the next day I went to a doctor's appointment and they said the same number on the scale yesterday.).

Today's experiment example: I woke up today and was 134 at 11:49. I waited about thirty more minutes, maybe a bit more, to eat because I had just gotten up and my levothyroxine requires no eating for an hour after taking in the morning. I ate slowly and had two left over chicken wings (the whole wing), some leftover sauteed in olive oil (and only a little bit!) zucchini, green cabbage, and onions, and a small orange (which I ate last). It took me til about 1ish to eat that and a few minutes ago I checked again and I'm at 157 (it is now 3 p.m.). My bacon breakfasts were frequently like these numbers, in reverse. I simply snacked on bacon once and it lowered my number by about 60 points. Yes, this is anecdotal evidence, but it's kind of compelling enough to want to investigate further.

Sooooo... which experiment is smarter? Are nutritionists giving bad advice? What's the "right" science behind what we're eating? What has everyone been most successful with? Are my ideas about just eating the damn bacon and using butter instead of chemical sprays crazy? Will eating saturated fats be less "effective" in what I would be hoping they do because of my diabetes?

TL;DR : Nutritionists have been telling me to fear saturated fats and use the "plate" method, some anecdotal evidence suggests otherwise, so I did more research and linked some of it above. Are nutritionists giving bad advice?

Submitted April 01, 2017 at 12:38AM by Evenoh diabetes

unhygienic roommate badroommates

I've lived with two other girls and a boy in a house during the last semester, we had no problem at all. However the boy moved out and a new girl moved in.

Leaving all the part about her personality aside, since some day the corridor has began to stink. We called the landlord and he talked to her, but she didn't let him enter into the room. I have no idea what's going on there, she might even have a dead cat in there , even if I think she have rotten food there. From the street I can see that she never opens the window, so It surely doesn't help.

I've seen her cooking once in two months and every time she goes to the kitchen is to take nachos and then she moves back to her room. I looked in her cupboard and she just has nachos, fanta cans, beer cans and some chili sauce. What baffles me is that she happens to have some regular food in the refrigerator, but it rots there until one of us dumps it.

She obviously never cleans the house when scheduled unless someone reminds it to her.

On the top of this, my other roommates have noticed that she's stealing our laundry soap, their shower gel and some food. When questioned about the missing stuff, she denied it.

We've talked to her a lot of time and she doesn't seem to understand or she doesn't want to understand (she's foreigner like me here and she doesn't speak very well). I'm thinking about calling her parents now.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 11:53PM by The_donald_is_bright badroommates

People always say it's what on the inside that counts, but the only time I've found this to be true is with... Jokes

The refrigerator.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 11:49PM by TheUberStick Jokes

unhygienic roommate badroommates

I've lived with two other girls and a boy in a house during the last semester, we had no problem at all. However the boy moved out and a new girl moved in.

Leaving all the part about her personality aside, since some day the corridor has began to stink. We called the landlord and he talked to her, but she didn't let him enter into the room. I have no idea what's going on there, she might even have a dead cat in there , even if I think she have rotten food there. From the street I can see that she never opens the window, so It surely doesn't help.

I've seen her cooking once in two months and every time she goes to the kitchen is to take nachos and then she moves back to her room. I looked in her cupboard and she just has nachos, fanta cans, beer cans and some chili sauce. What baffles me is that she happens to have some regular food in the refrigerator, but it rots there until one of us dumps it.

She obviously never cleans the house when scheduled unless someone reminds it to her.

On the top of this, my other roommates have noticed that she's stealing our laundry soap, their shower gel and some food. When questioned about the missing stuff, she denied it.

We've talked to her a lot of time and she doesn't seem to understand or she doesn't want to understand (she's foreigner like me here and she doesn't speak very well). I'm thinking about calling her parents now.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 11:53PM by The_donald_is_bright badroommates

[PI] Parallels - FirstChapter - 3000 WritingPrompts

Chapter one: The Switch

Friday, May 13th 2017 6:42pm The grayish matter spread in chunks against the bright Pollock piece that hung neatly against my office wall. I slide my chair closer and mush the pieces between my forefinger and thumb. It’s much warmer than I expect but it chills quickly from the sudden air exposure. I write my name in the blood as it glistens from the lighting in the room. “Dame, are you even listening?” Evan barks with a tinge of annoyance. God, how could one person be so bland? I decide to spare him the truth about me fantasizing of blowing my brains out. I settle for running back his last few lines on bringing in a new department to expand our longest running book series. Maybe I shouldn’t be so bitter with Evan, I consider. He’s a good guy with good intentions, it’s just that we’ve been over the details a million times and my patience has thrown a fit and sprawled out on the floor. I imagine it rolling around on my vintage maroon rug. Which seems to be fraying at the edges, I notice. I should really get to work on fixing that up a bit. Maybe I’ll give Rand a ca —shit.

I catch Evan’s eye and by the looks of it I’m about to get the speech of a lifetime. Before he has a chance to grill me I start, “I’m sorry, it’s just been such a grueling week. And I know that you of all people are aware of this, but I need some time to gather my thoughts.” You can almost hear the desperation in my voice, but it was all true. Surprisingly enough he seems relieved. My nerves calm as I watch his face loosen and his shoulders go slack. I hadn’t even noticed he had been so tense. Once Evan retires to his own office I quickly snatch my things from the desk and dart for the door. I couldn’t wait to finally be home.

7:10pm My computer pings just as I slide through the front door. I quickly pour myself a hefty glass of bourbon and take a few stress reducing swigs before making my way over to my desk. I flop down in my well worn computer chair and wait for the familiar squeak as I lean back and get situated. I sigh into my glass when I catch the company name on the screen in a quick once over. My face scrunches as I imitate it in my best android voice.

"Brandon Ible Writers. The pioneers of Great Anecdotal Healing and Destruction"

We typically referred to ourselves as “Gahd” for short. Our customers easily took to the name as well, which was impressive considering we had a huge fan base; one of the biggest in the world. After skimming through the email I release a breath I didn’t realize I had been holding. I was afraid it’d be more work. Luckily it was just a flyer with an event reminder for gaining our 10,000,000th subscriber to our website. It was a rather new development for the company, but it had grown fairly quickly over the last couple of years. It was exhilarating landing a job with such a huge company for a small scale writer such as myself, but what a stressful ride it is at times. My branch of the department handles most stories related to the destruction, death, and famine of those in the futuristic western world. Which was perfect for me since one of the main reasons I struggled with landing anything was because of the morbidity of the content of my portfolio. So many companies wanted too much fluff and much less authenticity. It was disheartening when I was told to change my perspective. As I think about my time with the company I feel my head get heavier and my neck loosen. I blink myself awake and finish reading through my messages.

11:45pm Later that evening I woke with a start. I must’ve passed out at my desk and sleepily made my way to the couch. That happens more often lately than I care to admit. My stomach grumbled with a fierceness as my feet touched the cold tile of the kitchen floor. I grabbed the block of sharp cheddar out of one of the drawers in the refrigerator and broke off a jagged chunk like a bread offering. A “thinking slice” is what I like to call it. I mulled over the pros and cons of going to the company event in the meantime. The only true pro is that there’s an open bar, but I decide it’d probably be best to attend either way. I hear a faint ping from the other room. Staring quizzically at the analog clock above the opening to the kitchen I make note of the late hour. Who would be trying to contact me at midnight? I lazily shuffle back to my computer screen to see if the email is anything of importance. The subject line reads:

"Re:Re: 10,000,000"

I assume it’s some sort of duplicate of the company email that was sent out earlier. I open it anyway just to be sure there isn’t any additional information that I’d need. Hopefully it’s a cancellation, I thought, but I knew that was hoping for a bit too much.

"On the night of ten million our worlds will collide. You will feel your own wrath of written death, pain, and genocide."

They’re getting more advanced with the level of spam nowadays. Drawing from previous emails to construct a new one seems to be a bit troubling and something I haven’t ever seen before. I was too tired to dwell on it too much though. I carry myself off to my warm, dim lit room to rest up. As I burrow into the comforter I drift off to blissful thoughts of the weekend ahead. I appreciate Friday’s much more as of late.

Saturday, May 14th 2017 7:37am A blinding strip of sunlight runs across my face and creeps up on my eyelids pulling me out of my slumber. Rolling over to my side helps until that familiar ping from my computer makes its way into my room time and time again. I must’ve counted about fifteen of them before I got concerned enough to leave my little cave. With my toothbrush jammed into the side of my cheek I shuffled into the den as the number of pings increased. It must be a group email, I assume. The screen reads:

"Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000"

My brow furrows with confusion. It’s filled with the same message for a couple pages I realize as I sift through. I open one to see if the content is still the same.

"On the night of ten million our worlds will collide. You will feel your own wrath of written death, pain, and genocide. We will switch in this glitch."

There’s an extra line now too, it occurs to me, this has to be one of those app pranks. Sometimes I wondered how people had so much time on their hands for such pointless activity. I mark them as spam and tend to some chores around the house. The place sure could use a little tender love and care.

Overtime I’ve learned that it’s always easier to hop right into the shower after cleaning so the bathroom is one of the last things I get around to. As I bring the cleaner to the cold glass mirror I take a minute to examine myself. My freckles seem to pop out more now that the sun spends more time on my dark golden skin. My hair is still a bit coarse, but my new natural journey has been a much healthier one. I take a minute to apply some coconut oil to my coils. As I massage it into my scalp I close my eyes a bit and run through my list of things left to do for the day.

As my eyes focus back in my chest fills with a hot pang of fear and I freeze looking at the mirror. A lump builds in my throat and I try to rationalize what I was seeing. I refuse to blink or avert my eyes for fear of forgetfulness. My brain reels as I try to chart every detail of this face staring back at me. It’s my face. But it’s not my face. Where there was once a scar above my lip it’s now smooth, unblemished skin. I put my fingers to my face to compare. My reflection did the same. The scar is still on my face. How odd. Maybe it’s just my vision? The mirror shows me with a short buzz cut where there should be a coiled fro. I move my hands back to my hair to assess, unblinking. My reflection reaches to caress its scalp as well. The coils are still intact it seems. The blood rushing through my ears gets louder. I can hear my heartbeat. I try and swallow without choking. Maybe I inhaled too much of the fumes from those cleaning products. Good lord, I’ve got to do away with that bleach. I try and slyly pull my phone from my pocket without breaking eye contact. Luckily I can access the camera without looking at the phone. As I snap a photo the glass cracks so loudly that I instinctively jump back and shield my face. My leg is bent up to my chest while my hands criss cross over my face. I hold the position until I feel safe enough to straighten my posture. A large jagged gap runs through the middle of the mirror and I stare at it in awe for a few seconds before the fear sets back in. I remember the phone. I scoop it up from the floor and frantically search for the photo app.

In the photo was the “other” me. The hair at the back of my neck stands on edge and a sense of coldness washes over my body. I’ve never felt so uneasy. I quickly add it to my cloud and make my way out of the bathroom. I desperately needed air. Once I was outside my feet hit the pavement hard as I rounded the corner. The photo was etched into my brain, but I still wanted to examine it. This has to be stress related. There’s no other logical explanation. The bus stop bench isn’t far off so I decide to stop there to gather my thoughts. The bench is rickety and loose so I sit lightly, but taking the calm approach is more for me than it is for the old wood. Either way I’m thankful for the few minutes of sanity; I can’t be too sure how much of that I have left. As I stare at the photo I still feel an immense amount of fear in my chest as it moves up like heartburn. This isn’t going to work if you aren’t thinking rationally. I breathe so deeply I get lightheaded for a while. Okay, try again.

I begin to notice a few more differences between the two of us upon further inspection. The concerning thing about it is they’re all from things that would have happened overtime. All of the features that I was born with are untouched. So scars are different, but all of our freckles are the same. Where I have a tattoo running along my forearm, this other version of me doesn’t. If this were just a random photo someone had shown to me I would assume it was a long lost twin, but considering the circumstances that can’t be it. What sick games the mind plays. I remember the proof is sitting in my hand before I write it off as insanity.

My concentration breaks as I get a flood of notifications from my email. The email, how could I forget? I’m almost too afraid to check. I navigate back to the home screen as I bring my free hand up to stabilize the shaking. Just do it already. It’s exactly what I’d hoped it wouldn’t be.

"Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 00,000,001


Re:Re: 10,000,000


Re:Re: 10,000,000"

I quickly mark them all as spam when I notice one that isn’t quite like the others. I open it. It reads:

"On the night of ten million our worlds will collide. You will feel your own wrath of written death, pain, and genocide. We will switch in this glitch. 'A thing long expected takes the form of unexpected when Atlas comes.'"

Atlas. That was me, although no one had called me that in years. I had gone by my middle name, Dame, for quite some time. The line was one I had heard a million times over. My Dad used to recite it daily. The original quote was from Mark Twain, “a thing long expected takes the form of unexpected when at last it comes,” Dad thought he was so clever for that one. I absentmindedly smile thinking back on it. I talk myself into going back to the house and getting to the bottom of this as the dread of knowing that I can’t tell anyone about it sets in. My friends and family would think I had gone off the deep end and I wouldn’t give my colleagues the satisfaction of thinking I’ve been under too much stress. I’ve worked much too hard for that. I slowly pick myself up off of the unstable bench and begrudgingly start the path back home.

Saturday, May 14th 1:18pm I float from one mirror to the next throughout the house until I get back to the bathroom. My face appears to be mine again. What a relief. Next I plop down in front of the computer. I had just worked up enough nerve to write up an email in reply. I had to make sense of all of this even if it was somehow a distasteful joke. My fingers rest on the key as I try and think of where I should begin. Short and to the point should be the best course so I shoot for that.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

I get a reply almost instantaneously after pressing send. If I wasn’t sweating before I certainly am now.

"I am you and you are me just not now and certainly not then. When you become me and I you, we will both understand."

What is with the book of riddles? This all seems so childish. Maybe I shouldn’t even be entertaining this creep, but for some odd reason I want to continue asking questions. I get another.

"The stories you write are not only in fiction. It is you that is the beholder of such vision. The pen in which you scribble is the director of scenes in my world. It is you, the controller of my life since I was a young girl. You write no positivity, but all of it as fact. It is in this small window of time my life I will get back. If that means replacing mine with yours then so be it, it is settled. For it was you that created this desolate hell show of all things disheveled. As you sow, so shall you reap."

Well, “the pen in which you scribble is the director of scenes in my world” —I repeat aloud— “you write no positivity, but all of it as fact.” This is so wild, I think. How bizarre to think that what I’ve written has materialized. I chuckle as I picture a fanatic obsessing over creating extended versions of fanfiction to my series. I was flattered, sure, but this was a bit much. It still didn’t explain the mirror incident, but these two things could quite possibly be disconnected in every way. My nerves calm as I consider the situation. I feel a little silly for having been so worked up. Another glance at the clock gets me started again. I hurriedly skip off to my room. I was going to be late to the event if I didn’t get a move on.

8:10pm The setup was elegant. The tables were covered in beautiful dishes and everyone was dressed even more beautifully. The gold decor glistened everywhere and it was hard not feeling like a celebrity. It seemed to make everyone want to converse more. After mingling for much longer than I thought I’d last I try and dip out for some fresh air. Even outside there were guests crawling all over. There was a patch of grass covered by a couple trees off in the distance I notice as I squint and move in that direction making sure I don’t make eye contact with anyone on the journey. It felt great to get away. As I get closer to the patch of grass I can see the outline of something. A headstone? It was chipped and pretty worn. Grass had grown over most of it. How typical of me to leave a party to hang out with the dead. I sit down beside it “It’s nice to see someone else was bored to death of the dreadful conversation,” I laugh at my own bad joke. “What’s your name anyway?” I stand to brush away some of the debris as I catch the name through dirt covered fingers.

Saturday, May 14th 2360 8:34 The truth was as plain as day chiseled into the marble slab.

“Once met, never forgotten.


Atlas Dame Traveler



That’s me, but here I stand in the flesh.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 09:54PM by CatchTheBandwagon WritingPrompts

No Water from Samsung refrigerator when filter installed appliancerepair

My Samsung RF31FMESBSR refrigerator stopped producing water. I thought maybe it was the filter and ordered a new Samsung genuine filter (which I always use) and still not water. Water will flow when there is no filter installed, but as soon as the filter is put in, no water. Any advice?

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 10:00PM by swingking03 appliancerepair

[Advice] Not sure about increase in rent percentage. help? NYCapartments

Hi everyone, So my landlady has a rent stabilized building and I've been living in one of the rent stabilized apartments since 2012. She wants to now increase my rent by 5% but I'm not sure if she legally can. She provided a stove and refrigerator plus there is trash disposal/removal. It's a two bedroom apartment in the 11206 zip code.

Here's the history:

2012: Lease signed with roommate for $1,900

2013: Lease signed with same roommate for $2,000

2014: Lease signed solo for $2,100

2015: Lease signed solo for $2,150

2016: Lease signed solo for $2,150. She did not increase

2017: Lease increased to $2,257. My lease is up June 1st. Is this legal?

Thanks in advance.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 09:25PM by B0yW0nd3r NYCapartments

[Routine help] Acne scars and wrinkles. Can I use both AHA and retinoid? Please help me create a skincare routine! SkincareAddiction

Hi guys! I'm fairly new here, but I've been reading this sub a lot lately because I'm trying to improve my skincare routine.

First, a little background and my goals: From about 13 to 30, I had moderate acne. After trying just about every home remedy, diet, OTC and prescription drug, and cleansing method I could find, I finally gave up and accepted my dermatologist's offer for an Accutane prescription (and to this day, I still think that it's best to use as a last resort, because Accutane can have serious and long-lasting side effects for some people). It cleared my skin very effectively. Even though it's been years since I took it, my skin no longer breaks out the way it used to.

The problem is, my skin's texture is a little bumpy (scars, I suppose?) and my pores are quite noticeable. Also, because I'm now in my mid-30s, I am developing some fine lines and wrinkles. I want to do as much as I can to minimize and prevent signs of aging and also make my skin's texture smoother.

For almost a year now, I've been using coconut oil to remove my makeup (no, it doesn't break me out), washing my face with Dr. Bronner's liquid soap, and applying Vitamin C serum in the morning (very inconsistently) and Paula's Choice 8% AHA morning and night (consistently). I was using Neutrogena Baby sunscreen (SPF 55?), but I'm now using La Roche-Posay Anthelios XL 50+ tinted fluid (the European formulation).

Recently, I bought Hada Labo "lotion moist" (clear liquid) and their other lotion (white).

I just bought a mini-fridge/cooler for the bedroom so I could move my Vitamin C from my refrigerator to my bedside. (I'm not a morning person, so I found it difficult to motivate myself to get out of bed to apply Vitamin C 20 minutes before applying my AHA.)

For now, this is what I'm doing:


  • Vitamin C serum (wait 20 minutes)
  • Paula's Choice 8% AHA (wait 20 minutes)
  • Hada Labo lotion moist
  • Hada Labo lotion
  • La Roche-Posay sunscreen
  • makeup (some days)

PM - remove makeup with coconut oil (or a wipe if I'm feeling especially lazy) - wash face with Dr. Bronner's liquid soap - Paula's Choice 8% AHA (wait 20 minutes) - Hada Labo lotion moist - Hada Labo lotion

I know that using the AHA twice a day will seem excessive to some, but my skin tolerates it very well. Still, it doesn't seem to be doing much--if anything--to minimize the acne scars, and I will run out of my PC AHA very soon, so I decided to try a new chemical exfoliant.

First, I ordered Sunday Riley Good Genes (yes, I know that popular opinion here is that it's overpriced and overrated).

Then, while waiting for it to arrive, I delved deeper into this sub and discovered MUAC and the Ordinary. I have to admit, I may have gone a little overboard in my excitement:

From MUAC I ordered the Mandelic Acid 25% peel (sample size) and their prep toner. I may eventually work up to 40%, depending on how this goes.

From the Ordinary, I ordered the items they recommended for an anti-aging regimen: the Rose Hip oil, Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5, "Buffet", and Advanced Retinoid 2%.

...Have I gone mad? Is this way too much?

I know that I need to stop using my AHA for at least 24 hours before I do the Mandelic Acid peel (which I'll only do once a week, as recommended).

I've looked into using AHA/BHAs and retinols together and the info I've found is conflicting. I thought Paula's Choice made the best argument (in favor of using them together), but TBH, I sometimes question PC's research because they profit from the sales of skincare products. Can I use both Good Genes and the Ordinary's Retinoid 2% on the same day? Should I use them on alternating days?

How can I use the products I've purchased to make an effective routine and avoid irritating my skin?

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 09:23PM by Maggieneato SkincareAddiction

[Advice] Not sure about increase in rent percentage. help? NYCapartments

Hi everyone, So my landlady has a rent stabilized building and I've been living in one of the rent stabilized apartments since 2012. She wants to now increase my rent by 5% but I'm not sure if she legally can. She provided a stove and refrigerator plus there is trash disposal/removal. It's a two bedroom apartment in the 11206 zip code.

Here's the history:

2012: Lease signed with roommate for $1,900

2013: Lease signed with same roommate for $2,000

2014: Lease signed solo for $2,100

2015: Lease signed solo for $2,150

2016: Lease signed solo for $2,150. She did not increase

2017: Lease increased to $2,257. My lease is up June 1st. Is this legal?

Thanks in advance.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 09:25PM by B0yW0nd3r NYCapartments

Strange things occurring after my grandfathers death. ParanormalHelp

So first time actually trying to reach out about some strange things happening at home after my grandfathers death back in January 2017. Here's a little background into him as a person, he was a marine during Vietnam. He came back and just wasn't right he was a very mean man he was extremely abusive and did awful things to my mother and grandmother. So as you can assume we haven't had any contact with him in years. Just before his death of cancer I reached out to him just to let him try and finally get to know one of his several grandchildren.

After a few months of short phone calls he had mailed me a portion of his knife collection. (The only personal affects of his I have) then we just fell off from speaking until his death. The events that I know of that happened since his death started with my mother. She was in the kitchen of their home in Florida (same state as his death) she was crying about never being able to reconcile her relationship with him. Our refrigerator had one of those built in water dispensers that had been broken for 5+ years. You could press it and nothing would come out. Well on this day while she's crying the dispenser just started spraying water all over the floor and would not stop until it was disconnected from the water line in the back.

About a week after this incident there was a very heavy feeling that came over my home, I started to get that feeling of being watched and the feeling of having someone right behind you. I tried to brush it off as just a weird feeling until my girlfriend started to mention she felt the same things (I had never brought the feelings to her attention). I tried to tell her it's probably nothing, and this went on for about a month. Around the middle of February my two dogs started to act strange. Staring into empty rooms, refusing to leave our bedroom, they would growl and bare teeth at things what weren't there, and would hide themselves under our bed. At this point I became very concerned, I went to our garage and got my great grandmothers cross and hung it in our bedroom, that seemed to work for a few days until things went back to as bad as before. So I went to a christan store here in North Dakota I got several more crosses and hung them in very room above the doorways. And again things calmed down.

That is until this last week March 26th the girlfriend and I were doing some cleaning around the house when I found a spirit box I bought years ago. I decided to fool around with it like and idiot.

I asked "who was here with me?" and no response.

I then asked "how many people were here with me?" and I got a quick "two"

I then asked again "who is here with me what are your names?" The response I got was "John" followed by a dark raspy "Don't listen to it" "Liar!"

I immediately shut off the box and left the house for the day terrified to return, and since then I can't seem to shake the feeling I royally pissed off who or whatever was in the house with me. The strange feelings I had before have gotten worse. I can't seem to sleep through the night without being woken up by the feeling of being watched. I'm really concerned that I may have opened up a can of worms here. Any help or advice you can give me is much appreciated

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 02:50PM by Chance37k2 ParanormalHelp

ACS: 2017-03-31-Vinnie Tortorich AdamCarolla

Image Gallery:

At the top of the show, Adam welcomes Vinnie Tortorich back to the podcast, and he asks him for his thoughts on a Hungarian dish he prepared last night. They also talk about the simpler times when celebrities could leave their wives and children without judgment. Up next, the latest round of March Molester Madness, plus the guys take calls and share their own favorite April Fool’s Day pranks. Later, the guys talk about the different James Bond’s from over the years, and Gina starts the news with a story about John McCain calling out the North Korean dictator. Other stories include the latest Ford recall, Lamar Odom’s regrets for cheating on Chloe Kardashian, and a social experiment / reality TV show where the contestants were never informed their show only lasted four episodes. As the show wraps up, the guys discuss a new refrigerator camera that lets you know who’s stealing food at work.

For more on today’s guest, visit, and follow him on Twitter @VinnieTortorich



Producers: Mike August, Mike Lynch, and Mike Dawson
Co-Producers: Gary Smith, Chris Laxamana, and Matt Fondiler
Newsgirl: Gina Grad
Sound Effects: Bryan Bishop

Post generated by ACSBot from

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 02:32PM by gomeztogo AdamCarolla

Strange things occurring after my grandfathers death. ParanormalHelp

So first time actually trying to reach out about some strange things happening at home after my grandfathers death back in January 2017. Here's a little background into him as a person, he was a marine during Vietnam. He came back and just wasn't right he was a very mean man he was extremely abusive and did awful things to my mother and grandmother. So as you can assume we haven't had any contact with him in years. Just before his death of cancer I reached out to him just to let him try and finally get to know one of his several grandchildren.

After a few months of short phone calls he had mailed me a portion of his knife collection. (The only personal affects of his I have) then we just fell off from speaking until his death. The events that I know of that happened since his death started with my mother. She was in the kitchen of their home in Florida (same state as his death) she was crying about never being able to reconcile her relationship with him. Our refrigerator had one of those built in water dispensers that had been broken for 5+ years. You could press it and nothing would come out. Well on this day while she's crying the dispenser just started spraying water all over the floor and would not stop until it was disconnected from the water line in the back.

About a week after this incident there was a very heavy feeling that came over my home, I started to get that feeling of being watched and the feeling of having someone right behind you. I tried to brush it off as just a weird feeling until my girlfriend started to mention she felt the same things (I had never brought the feelings to her attention). I tried to tell her it's probably nothing, and this went on for about a month. Around the middle of February my two dogs started to act strange. Staring into empty rooms, refusing to leave our bedroom, they would growl and bare teeth at things what weren't there, and would hide themselves under our bed. At this point I became very concerned, I went to our garage and got my great grandmothers cross and hung it in our bedroom, that seemed to work for a few days until things went back to as bad as before. So I went to a christan store here in North Dakota I got several more crosses and hung them in very room above the doorways. And again things calmed down.

That is until this last week March 26th the girlfriend and I were doing some cleaning around the house when I found a spirit box I bought years ago. I decided to fool around with it like and idiot.

I asked "who was here with me?" and no response.

I then asked "how many people were here with me?" and I got a quick "two"

I then asked again "who is here with me what are your names?" The response I got was "John" followed by a dark raspy "Don't listen to it" "Liar!"

I immediately shut off the box and left the house for the day terrified to return, and since then I can't seem to shake the feeling I royally pissed off who or whatever was in the house with me. The strange feelings I had before have gotten worse. I can't seem to sleep through the night without being woken up by the feeling of being watched. I'm really concerned that I may have opened up a can of worms here. Any help or advice you can give me is much appreciated

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 02:50PM by Chance37k2 ParanormalHelp

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Terms and Conditions Must Be Read nosleep

Being a college dropout and working at an office supply store makes it pretty obvious that I do not make a lot of money. Even with being promoted to Assistant Manager I can hardly meet ends meet while paying for my single bedroom apartment, utilities, and the ramen noodles and occasional TV dinners I eat for the month.

Though I can never spoil myself or necessarily eat 3 meals a day; I have learned to adapt to it, and still managed to remain happy to have finally moved out of the hotel I was living in 2 years before. Though it put a strain on me financially I was just glad to be able to bring friends and family over without having everyone constantly worry about where I am living. Of course, I really do wish I could get a credit card so that I can manage to raise my credit score and start utilizing my money better, but due to people taking advantage of me when I was eighteen my credit is completely unsalvageable.

One day last month when I went to work I finally received my first chance at having my own credit card. I woke up, got dressed, and ate a snack cake just like any other day, but when I got to work I saw a man standing outside with a table and a sign that read “Credit Approved for Everyone!!!” Well, that grabbed my attention instantly because unlike most 100% credit approvals this was actually for a card and not some payday loan. So I walked up to the table and checked out of one of the many pamphlets that littered his table.

After talking to the man, which had a voice of a basketball game announcer, I realized that this card seemed like it was simply too good to be true. They do not pay attention to your credit score, no security deposit, there was only one catch, and that was that you have to use a minimum of 250 dollars on the card and there is an automatic 4.5% interest fee. So, they make money from you every single month you have the credit card, but I don’t mind since I can finally try to start raising my credit score up!

After I am done filling out my information the man tells me that I will get my card shipped to my address within the next 3 days. So with excitement flowing through every part of my body, I practically jumped into work and got through the day in the best mood I had been in years. While I was walking home I decided to treat myself and got myself some Lasagna at the local Italian restaurant and enjoyed every last bite on the plate.

When I got home I noticed that there was a letter in my mail slot so I grabbed it and walked upstairs to my room. Once inside, I tossed the letters on the coffee table and watched some TV. When that got boring I looked around the room to find something else to do and realized I had completely forgotten about the mail. The only thing was, there were 2 letters when I know for a fact that I only grabbed one. I dismissed it off by blaming being over excited about the new credit card and check the letters.

The first letter just contained a cheesy flyer from my landlord telling me that my rent is due next week and to remember about the New Tenant party he is having for all of us on Friday evening. After throwing the letter in the trash can I flipped the other letter over and notice there was absolutely nothing written on it. I tore open the letter to find a single piece of paper and a card inside.

The writing on the paper was handwritten and stated “unlimited credit limit. 250 dollar minimum spending limit. Automatic 4.5% interest. You do not want to make a late payment. Enjoy.”

As silly as it seems, the only thing that I could think about the mysterious envelope was the unlimited credit limit. How awesome!

I know that my purpose of having a credit card was improving my credit and managing my money, but I couldn’t fight the urge to celebrate. I immediately went to the mall and bought a brand new outfit and the new Naked eye-shadow palette that I’ve been wanting. I filled my refrigerator with groceries. I felt like a brand new person.

Later that night, dressed to the nines, I went to my favorite little bar. I ordered a rare steak and a loaded baked potato, and I got top shelf liquor. I knew I was being irresponsible, but I also knew this was my only chance to celebrate. After this, I had to put my game face on and get serious about my finances.

After about three drinks, I found myself chatting up a guy that was sitting next to me at the bar. We talked about my classes, our jobs, and our respective hobbies. Eventually, my new credit card came up. I was explaining the story to him, and when I finished, he looked at me with raised eyebrows.

“Don’t you think this seems a little too good to be true?” he asked.

“Everything happens for a reason,” I smirked.

“Maybe you’re right,” he muttered.

I ordered another drink, and he turned back to his friends. The conversation seemed to be over until he suddenly turned to me and lightly touched my arm. “Isn’t it kind of strange that the envelope had nothing on it? Not even a stamp?”

My stomach rolled. I honestly hadn’t even thought about it. It was kind of strange that the envelope was blank. It didn’t have my name, my address, or as he pointed out, even a stamp. I remembered that the note that came with the card was handwritten. You do not want to make a late payment, it had said. I pushed my half-finished drink away, suddenly feeling nauseated.

I think the stranger noticed my face fall. “I’m sure it’s fine. Just be careful, is all I’m saying.”

I nodded and mumbled my thanks. I quickly paid my tab with the bartender, leaving a generous tip. I stumbled out of the bar, and I made a promise to myself to shred the card as soon as I got home. Even though I knew it was a promise I couldn’t afford to keep.

As I neared my car, I noticed a man leaning against the driver's door. When he saw me approaching he grinned at me. “Enjoying your new card?” he asked.

“Who are you?” I asked.

“Well, I’m your creditor, of course. But you can call me Max.” The grin hadn’t left his face.

“What do you want?”

“Well, let’s see…You have racked up about $300 today. Congratulations on reaching the minimum! Your first payment is due tonight.”

“Tonight?” I reeled. “I don’t have the money for it tonight! That’s why I got the card in the first place.”

His teeth were shining in the darkness. “Oh, no worries. It’s not money that I’m looking for.”

I could feel my whole body trembling with a mixture of rage and fear. “I’m not about to blow you to pay for this. I will find a way,” I said as confidently as I could.

He threw his head back and laughed loudly. “That’s not what I want either. I have a job for you.”

“A job?” I asked reluctantly.

He took a step toward me, and I instinctively took a step back. I noticed for the first time how menacing he looked. “A job. You complete it tonight, and you’ve made your first payment in full. You ready?”

I wish I could say I took to heart all those self-defense training classes and kicked him in the soft spots.

It'd be better than what I ended up doing. Truly.

I said nothing, and I followed him to a black Aston Martin. It was pristine. He opened the passenger door, and I got in wordlessly. He entered the driver's side and started the car. He drove and began talking.

"You notice most people don't take to heart what a deal really means?" He was looking at me while driving. My face showed horror, which elicited a smile. He stopped at every red light without slamming the brakes, never breaking eye contact.

It was creepy.

"You accepted a gift without the auspices of gift-giving, well, you are agreeing to carte blanche terms."

"I agreed to specific terms," I offered. It sounded like my voice was smothered with a lead blanket. His eyes narrowed, and his smile was gone for a fleeting second. It returned.

"You did, and you broke them. I am not talking about you, dear." He clicked his turn signal and moved lanes. I knew he was doing it for show, but he was impressing me with every movement. "Where I come from, you only agree to what you intend to do, and you only agree to what you can actually do. Your people are too quick to use outside of their means. That's what's wrong with your generation." I appraised him for a moment. He wasn't much older than me, ostensibly. He spoke oddly, but he definitely didn't seem like anyone who wasn't from at least a couple decades from me. He stopped the car and left it idling.

"Since the deal was honestly vague, here's your real choice." We were at the bar where he picked me up. I could see my car. I could make it there if I ran. "You leave, go home, and forget this night happened. We will consider tonight a pass, or you agree to take the job, and we are on even terms."

I considered that for a second. For all his talking, he was hammering on one idea. There is no charity.

"What's the terms if I leave?"

He laughed a crisp, boisterous one that actually made me smile. I didn't like how I lost control of my emotions in front of this stranger.

"You are a fun one. We report your debt. The interest alone would lure some of the worse bounty hunters out of retirement. I think you're spry enough to outstrip them though." His teeth were showing, and I noticed how bright they were. It was me biding my time.

"Let's just get it over with," I said, and he whipped the steering wheel with so much force, I felt my face press hard into the passenger window. He didn't look remotely disturbed.

"The job is simple. Robert Marrs is having dinner in La Frontière. You walk in, use the name I'll give you, walk up to his table, call his name, and throw water in his face. Then, you leave."

"That's.... that's it?" I felt nauseated. "This is a fucking joke, isn't it? I know I have to sign waivers for TV shows."

"That's my terms. In exchange, your first payment is complete. Do you accept?" He showed no emotion as he waited for me.

"Of course."

He said nothing on the ride to the restaurant, though he was driving so fast, there wasn't much time. He idled the car in front of the columned entrance.

"I'll wait here. He's wearing a red and white bow tie. White shirt. Black jacket. Use the name 'Sig'. They'll give you a table."

I nodded and got out of the car. I walked up to the maître d', and he beamed at the utterance of my pseudonym. He guided me to table towards the back. And there he was. A man in his forties, salt-and-pepper hair. Chiseled jaw. Steely eyes with a woman in a red dress that would make people reconsider eating meat to see her in a bikini. Suddenly, nerves hit, but I knew this would be my best chance. Like a band-aid

"Bobby?" I improvised. "Bobby, is that you?"

Bow tie looked at me and his eyes went wide. The woman next to him instantly started to scowl. Before either could say a word I grabbed a glass off the table of what looked like champagne, and threw it in his face. "You bastard! Who is this whore!?" I noticed the viscous liquid was thicker than champagne. Then, I realized in my nervous bumbling, I grabbed the decanter of oil for the bread. I flew out of the restaurant, hoping Max hadn't left me flounder.

The Aston Martin was waiting for me, only the driver's door was open now. Max was gone. I went to the car, timidly, and it was still idling. The keys were in the ignition. People were looking, and I could see Robert the Bow tie gathering people and making his way to the door.

Sometimes, choices are easy. I jumped into the car and speed off.

I parked outside my apartment because it was the only thing I could do at this point, the car looking extremely out of place on the grimy street. The whole situation was absurd and had left me puzzled. Nevertheless, it had been a long day and I went to sleep without thinking too much about it. The next day, the Aston Martin was gone without trace. I don't know how that was possible considering the fact that I had the key, and it is virtually impossible to drive one without it. I decided not to report this to the police for obvious reasons.

I decided not to use my new line of credit despite my delicate financial condition. These were some shady individuals and whatever company this was, it could not possibly have been legal. Over the next few weeks I found myself increasingly short of cash but managed to pay the bills thanks to petty loans from family and friends. At this point, I had forgotten about the whole Max incident. That was until I saw him again on my way back from work, next to the hot dog stand on my street. I was bewildered at his appearance but chose to ignore him. As I walked past him he called out out my name- he was obviously not here to try the hot dogs.

"You haven't been using your card, we've noticed".

"Yeah, I really don't have much use for it these days."

"On the contrary, you have great need for it. We know exactly what your financial situation is,” he asserted in a threatening tone.

"Listen, I'm just not interested in using the card. I feel the terms are not worth the benefit. Thank you for your concern about my financial well being though,” I responded.

"You don't understand. You're now a part of a privileged club. We take care of the people who join it and in return we expect adequate payment. It is imperative that we keep our mutually beneficial relationship running. Not continuing this is considered to be an unfriendly act and we take it very seriously." His demeanor was very imposing and made me feel uncomfortable.

"What if I don't want to continue this 'relationship'?" I asked.

"For your own sake, you'll have to. Now listen very carefully. We're willing to double your credit limit for the next three months if you do as I tell you. Take this bag, and deliver it to an address that I'll text you some time during the next few days. Until you get the text, keep this safe in your apartment where no one can see it." He moved a large worn out bag towards me.

"Look, I'm not interested in these little games you're playing. I don't need your money. Take your offer somewhere else,” I stated clearly and went to my apartment.

He answered only with a single-arched eyebrow.

As I looked back, he gave me the same sly smile he wore when he gave me the absurd task a few weeks back, except this time it made me shudder. I knew I didn’t really have a choice. I never did.

"So the offer?" I questioned him, "Who's house am I delivering it to?"

"It's not in your job description to question me, and you will not know where you are going until you get a text sometime in the next few days."

A pause.

He continued, "when you get there, all you need to do is drop off the package on the front door, ring the doorbell, and leave. Don't open the bag, don't stay on the porch, and do not look into why you are doing this."

For some reason, my eyes started to tear up. What the hell am I getting myself into? It sounds like I'm dropping off a bomb at this house. But nevertheless I was stuck, "I'll do it."

His cheery smile returned to his face and he said, "great! The package is in an Audi. It's parked the next street down on the corner. And thank you." He nodded to himself then turned away. Before he disappeared from my sight he turned around and shouted to me, "enjoy your credit! Live a little!"

I turned away from him and started towards my house, when I remembered the Audi. Sure enough, there was a dark blue, two door Audi parked on the corner of the road. For the next week, I didn't spend any of the money, and I only drove the Audi once--and that was only to take it home. Max's dark grimace never left my mind, and two days after I received my threat, I started having nightmares with Max as the central orchestrator in my doom. Finally I broke, I had to spend the money. To keep it simple to explain, I dug myself in a deep money hole.

And, then that fateful day hit. I was out with one of my friends. We were bored, so I got in her car, and we drove around the city. When she got to my house to pick me up I could tell she saw the Audi, but she didn't mention it. Did she think I was selling drugs? I went from abject poverty to having enough money for a car nicer than hers. If she did, she didn’t say a word.

I received the text as I chewed over her loyalty. It was three words.

121 Crimson Place

For a few minutes I fell into a strange silence. Then, I demanded my friend to drive me home.

"Immediately," I said.

"For what?" she asked. Her tone and her checking the rearview mirror told me she was worried.

"My credit card."

“Your card? I got you if you need the money.”

“I just need it. Please take me home.” She didn’t argue after that.

I got in the Audi. The key was still in the ignition. I sat down and floored the gas, not bothering to put on my seatbelt or worry what was in the bag. The Audi had a built in GPS, so I plugged in the address and to my joy, the house was only five minutes away. Turns out five minutes seems like a lifetime if you're as scared as I was. Every turn I made to get closer to the house my fear grew ever more.

What was in the bag? What if it was a bomb, and the house belonged to a politician or something. Could I survive wherever they put terrorist? Would they even attempt to arrest me? What if it’s just a bunch of drugs? What if it’s a body? What if I get pulled over and searched?

The houses turned from low class to high class and beyond. When I turned onto Crimson Place, there was only two houses on the small road. The closest, 123, was a tall Gothic building. It looked like a haunted house from some cheesy horror cartoon. My main focus, however, was 121 Crimson Place. Damn... that place looked like Bill Gates put all of his money into it. It is safe to say that at least a hundred of my apartments could fit comfortable in that house.

I decided to get it over with so I idled the car on the curb and opened the trunk. Inside was a small yellow bag. It looked normal enough; like a gym bag. When I picked it up, it felt surprisingly light and empty. I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked up the path to the front door. I tried to appear normal enough, but that was before I heard the bloodcurdling scream coming from inside the massive house.

It sounded oddly delighted.

I stepped closer. I dropped the bag in front of the door. I went to press the bell, and the door snapped open. I froze.

“Why are you trespassing?” A voice so deep it was melodious. I was frozen and blind. It took me a second to register the man, and he was... perfect. He towered over me with a thick shock of hair and a beard that many guys in my classes wish they could grow collectively. His eyes were piercing my soul, assessing my value. He was shirtless, and I lost count of his abs. A slow smirk crept across his face. I wanted him, and I am unsure where that urge came from.

“I was just to bring you this bag.” I broke the deal. “Shit, I wasn’t supposed to tell you this. Can you just forget it, please? I am in a lot of trouble here.”

He looked down and rubbed his eyes. I heard voices behind him. Women. Several.

“Who sent you?” His fingers stroked his eye balls.


“Of course.” He trailed his hands and stroked his beard. “You are absolved of whatever deal he forced you into. If he challenges you, tell him to talk to me. I’m sorry.” I nodded, stumbled some words, and I sensed if I stayed long, I would have been invited in.

I drove the Audi home, cut up the card, and I learned my lesson:

Always read the fine print.

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 06:03AM by INeedHelpWithDebt nosleep

I went grocery shopping and now I don't have enough room in my refrigerator/freezer/deep freeze/pantry. firstworldproblems

No text found

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 02:22AM by originalmimlet firstworldproblems

[HOUSING] Still available! Looking for Roommate in West LA! Private bed and bath in 2bd/2ba! LAlist

I'm looking for a new roommate to rent the second huge private bedroom and bathroom with walk-in closet and access to shared full kitchen and living room for $1200 + 1/2 utilities and Internet (owner pays water). The living room is fully furnished, has a sound system and 4k TV. The kitchen area has a breakfast bar, new cookware/knives, and plenty of storage space. The best part is its all in the heart of West LA! Walking distance to Sawtelle Japantown, Santa Monica Blvd., LA Fitness, Trader Joe's and a 24hr Ralphs. Its also across the street from a park that includes a skate park, tennis courts, and pool (with slide!). More info about the property: Safe, gated tandem parking and secure entry into the building. Brand new linoleum in kitchen, bathrooms, and entryway. On site manager. Washer and dryer on site. Central AC and heat. Gas Fireplace. Refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, and gas stove. Unfortunately, no pets. :( My current roommate and his girlfriend are moving out, so you would be taking over as co-tenant on the lease, which expires December 31st 2017. A little bit about me: My name is Evan, I'm a 26 year old male, born and raised in LA. I'm a full-time IT professional, I'm a gamer/geek who enjoys watching TV and movies, and I like dogs! Text or email me with a bit about yourself if you're interested! Feel free to ask me questions as well! Pictures and other contact on Craigslist ad:

Submitted March 31, 2017 at 01:42AM by Goobermench LAlist

Landlord and Breaking a Lease RealEstate

We are in the process of finally moving into our new forever home. Our lease is for 1 year, starting July 20th and ending July 20th. We live in a very hot rental market and will be moving 2,000 miles away. Our home closure date is May 1st.

We told him of all of this upon our signing of the lease, well in advance, and he swore he would break the lease with zero issues. We said that we are currently selling our starter home and looking for our forever home. He was obviously okay with us closing out our lease early, but there is no mention of it in the lease itself. (Our family knows his family, and his family is extremely rich/owns the entire local town.)

We told the landlord we would be moving a little over 30 days before we move out. We are going to pay for May even though we will be gone by April 25th, just to make sure that the cleaners and carpet cleaners can get into the house after we leave. We have family in the area that will be monitoring the clean-up for us. We will also be cleaning as we slowly pack things into the moving truck. The cleaners alone will be close to $500 upon move out, as we live really far away from a real town. We have them set up to come in before May 1st. So, really, we are paying May just to keep him happy and to be nice.

The landlord is not happy. We are their first tenants in this house, after his nephew lived here and destroyed it - which we cleaned up/helped fix before move in. He wants us to pay all of the rent until end of July. That is 2 additional months (3 if you count us paying for May) that we will have to pay, and equals about $2,000 ($3,000 with us paying for May).

He has also made some comments about the house being "brand new" upon our move out. Yet, it was hardly brand when we moved in. In this area, landlords almost always keep security deposit. We assumed we would never get it back, anyways, and took that into account. He's the type that basically would charge for any little nick in the paint and over charge for it. I'm a little tired of repainting walls (etc), to appease his final move-out. We have been keeping this house in tip top shape, but he visited without warning - again - yesterday, and was complaining about the red clay on the back porch which just needs to be washed off. (This is a habit of his, we get a text message he will be here and he's actually texting from the drive way or the backyard looking into our windows. We've had zero privacy here, such as the nephew showing up randomly, him showing up, and the neighbor's constantly doing things with the cows next door while using our driveway.)

He also said that we are going to be the ones finding a new renter. I flat out denied us doing this for him, and explained that his house would rent really quickly if he listed it. This is absolutely true, if he actually looked for a renter himself. I also think this is not our responsibility, and while our families know each other (welcome to the south!)...we think if he found a new renter, that he would still be charging us rent without us really knowing someone else was in the house. So, he'd be getting income from two sources. We're not sure why he wouldn't want to look for a renter himself, as that is in his benefit, and we're not sure why he is forcing us to keep the entire lease when I am absolutely sure he can get another renter really quickly (school year is ending, and lots of people - thousands - are constantly viewing for rentals in this area around now).

For the final pièce de résistance, he said that he wanted us to leave our (really nice) appliances in the house that we have had for about 2 years. We're talking stainless steel fridge, our lawnmower, our washer and dryer. The house came with none of these, and he was lucky we had some to use. He offered us (for example) $500 for our stainless steel fridge, $75 for our washer and $75 for our dryer. He wants the lawnmower for free. Mind you, these appliances aren't even 3 years old yet. He claims to want to keep them in the house for other potential tenants, but he is lowballing the hell out of us on them. We want to take them with us, but if we are in a poor financial state - we might sell them to him (though we really don't want to).

He's also been complaining lately that he did not charge us enough rent. Admittedly, it was a bit low but not by much ~$50, and did not include any appliances and a ton of up-keep of the property. The way he mentioned it made me feel like he didn't want us to slowly start saving up for a down payment on a house (we already had the money from our sale). It was like he was admitting to try to "trap us" in this house for longer than we wanted to. Really nastily said, and you can tell he is bitter than we are moving on/not giving him any more money in the future.

We are now concerned that he will not only keep the $1,500 security deposit but is also getting additional rent from us ($2k-$3k), wants us to find a new tenant (??), and wants to keep our appliances we bought for extremely low prices. This is around $5,000 we will be losing because of him, not counting the appliances.

Is there anything we can do? We are verging on just paying the additional two months, losing our security, and getting out of dodge as soon as possible.

Edit: This is in Georgia. To be fair, we understood that he might need a bit of time to find another renter...which is another reason that we wanted to pay for May. However, he wants us to pay for May, June, and July...and basically wait until the end of the lease to find a renter instead. He absolutely does not want to do his due diligence to find another renter until absolutely necessary. It should not take 3 months to find a new renter, at all.

Submitted March 30, 2017 at 11:43PM by meowsalot22 RealEstate

Fridge for new home / Samsung 4 Door Flex Appliances

So, my wife saw one of these at our local big box stores.

I've heard negative reviews on Samsung appliances, but wondered if anyone had insight on this new "four door" style fridge?

We're looking for something with the freezer on bottom, but don't necessarily like the large pull-out door on the french door models.

Submitted March 30, 2017 at 11:20PM by codeyh Appliances

Landlord and Breaking a Lease RealEstate

We are in the process of finally moving into our new forever home. Our lease is for 1 year, starting July 20th and ending July 20th. We live in a very hot rental market and will be moving 2,000 miles away. Our home closure date is May 1st.

We told him of all of this upon our signing of the lease, well in advance, and he swore he would break the lease with zero issues. We said that we are currently selling our starter home and looking for our forever home. He was obviously okay with us closing out our lease early, but there is no mention of it in the lease itself. (Our family knows his family, and his family is extremely rich/owns the entire local town.)

We told the landlord we would be moving a little over 30 days before we move out. We are going to pay for May even though we will be gone by April 25th, just to make sure that the cleaners and carpet cleaners can get into the house after we leave. We have family in the area that will be monitoring the clean-up for us. We will also be cleaning as we slowly pack things into the moving truck. The cleaners alone will be close to $500 upon move out, as we live really far away from a real town. We have them set up to come in before May 1st. So, really, we are paying May just to keep him happy and to be nice.

The landlord is not happy. We are their first tenants in this house, after his nephew lived here and destroyed it - which we cleaned up/helped fix before move in. He wants us to pay all of the rent until end of July. That is 2 additional months (3 if you count us paying for May) that we will have to pay, and equals about $2,000 ($3,000 with us paying for May).

He has also made some comments about the house being "brand new" upon our move out. Yet, it was hardly brand when we moved in. In this area, landlords almost always keep security deposit. We assumed we would never get it back, anyways, and took that into account. He's the type that basically would charge for any little nick in the paint and over charge for it. I'm a little tired of repainting walls (etc), to appease his final move-out. We have been keeping this house in tip top shape, but he visited without warning - again - yesterday, and was complaining about the red clay on the back porch which just needs to be washed off. (This is a habit of his, we get a text message he will be here and he's actually texting from the drive way or the backyard looking into our windows. We've had zero privacy here, such as the nephew showing up randomly, him showing up, and the neighbor's constantly doing things with the cows next door while using our driveway.)

He also said that we are going to be the ones finding a new renter. I flat out denied us doing this for him, and explained that his house would rent really quickly if he listed it. This is absolutely true, if he actually looked for a renter himself. I also think this is not our responsibility, and while our families know each other (welcome to the south!)...we think if he found a new renter, that he would still be charging us rent without us really knowing someone else was in the house. So, he'd be getting income from two sources. We're not sure why he wouldn't want to look for a renter himself, as that is in his benefit, and we're not sure why he is forcing us to keep the entire lease when I am absolutely sure he can get another renter really quickly (school year is ending, and lots of people - thousands - are constantly viewing for rentals in this area around now).

For the final pièce de résistance, he said that he wanted us to leave our (really nice) appliances in the house that we have had for about 2 years. We're talking stainless steel fridge, our lawnmower, our washer and dryer. The house came with none of these, and he was lucky we had some to use. He offered us (for example) $500 for our stainless steel fridge, $75 for our washer and $75 for our dryer. He wants the lawnmower for free. Mind you, these appliances aren't even 3 years old yet. He claims to want to keep them in the house for other potential tenants, but he is lowballing the hell out of us on them. We want to take them with us, but if we are in a poor financial state - we might sell them to him (though we really don't want to).

He's also been complaining lately that he did not charge us enough rent. Admittedly, it was a bit low but not by much ~$50, and did not include any appliances and a ton of up-keep of the property. The way he mentioned it made me feel like he didn't want us to slowly start saving up for a down payment on a house (we already had the money from our sale). It was like he was admitting to try to "trap us" in this house for longer than we wanted to. Really nastily said, and you can tell he is bitter than we are moving on/not giving him any more money in the future.

We are now concerned that he will not only keep the $1,500 security deposit but is also getting additional rent from us ($2k-$3k), wants us to find a new tenant (??), and wants to keep our appliances we bought for extremely low prices. This is around $5,000 we will be losing because of him, not counting the appliances.

Is there anything we can do? We are verging on just paying the additional two months, losing our security, and getting out of dodge as soon as possible.

Edit: This is in Georgia. To be fair, we understood that he might need a bit of time to find another renter...which is another reason that we wanted to pay for May. However, he wants us to pay for May, June, and July...and basically wait until the end of the lease to find a renter instead. He absolutely does not want to do his due diligence to find another renter until absolutely necessary. It should not take 3 months to find a new renter, at all.

Submitted March 30, 2017 at 11:43PM by meowsalot22 RealEstate

ID a refrigerator Appliances

Hey I'm looking for the appliance experts! Anyone know what refrigerator model this is? I know it's a whirlpool, just need to ID it so I can get dimensions for it.


Submitted March 30, 2017 at 09:54PM by madmudkip Appliances

Free refrigerator - Best used for scrap metal FreeStuffNYC

Fridge is in the drive - easy pickup. Freezer works but fridge portion never got that cold. Recommend to use for scrap metal or parts. Located 3 blocks from downtown Stamford - next to John's Pizza.

from Craigslist


Submitted March 30, 2017 at 09:16PM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC

Free refrigerator - Best used for scrap metal FreeStuffNYC

Fridge is in the drive - easy pickup. Freezer works but fridge portion never got that cold. Recommend to use for scrap metal or parts. Located 3 blocks from downtown Stamford - next to John's Pizza.

from Craigslist


Submitted March 30, 2017 at 09:17PM by fiplefip FreeStuffNYC


Serves 2-3 | Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cook Time: 15 Minutes

Ingredients: 10 small parts of skinless and boneless chicken breast should be cutter into 1/2-inch cubes butter one table spoon 2 cloves garlic, which are cutter into very small parts 1/2 jalapeno (green chili pepper) whose seeds are properly removed Salt to taste One 12-inches pizza crust from any store or three 7-inches mini pizza crusts Olive oil for sweeping 1/4 onion, thinly sliced 1 cup mozzarella cheese Bunch of coriander leaves/cilantro which are chopped and save some for garnish Marinade: ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper ground garam masala 1/2 teaspoon 1/2 teaspoon sliced fresh ginger 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper 1 tablespoon of lemon juice 2 tablespoons plain yogurt ½ tablespoon of cinnamon Tomato Sauce: 4 oz. tomato sauce 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt 2 tablespoons of heavy cream Spice Mix: 1/2 teaspoon of cumin 1/2 teaspoon of paprika 1/2 teaspoon garam masala

Method: In a bowl, marinade the chicken so that chicken is soaked properly before cooking, marinade at least an hour in the refrigerator. Make Outline of aluminum foil in a baking pan for grilling. Spread the marinated chicken in a single layer on the pan, discard the remaining marinade. Grill the chicken at 450F for 6-7 minutes, turning at half time. When chicken is cooking, prepare the Tomato Sauce and Spice Mix in separate bowls. Remove the chicken from the pan when it is cooked and discard the juice. Heat a small sauce pan and melt the butter in it. Sauté the garlic and jalapeno until it fragrant. Pour in the Spice Mix and sauté until fragrant, about 1-2 minutes on medium heat. Remove the jalapeno and discard. Add in the Tomato Sauce and stir well to mix. Add salt to taste and continue to simmer until the sauce thickens for another 2 minutes. Turn off the heat and add the chicken meat into the sauce and mix well. Pre-heat oven to 450F. Place the pizza crust on a pizza pan and brush lightly with olive oil. Spread the sauce/gravy on the pizza crust. Sprinkle 1/2 cup of cheese. Arrange the chicken on the pizza. Top it with the sliced onions, chopped cilantro and the remaining cheese. Reduce the temperature to 425F. Bake the pizza for 8-10 minutes. Remove the pizza from the pan when it is done and garnish the remaining chopped cilantro.

Submitted March 30, 2017 at 12:34PM by expertdietician recipes

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Clearing Out My PC - NOW WITH SPREADSHEETS!! pokemontrades

[casual] Hi! I have four boxes of Pokémon I don't want/need that I'm willing to either give away for Commons (Yungoos, etc.) or if you feel that what you're interested in worth more than a Common you can read my Spreadsheet and see if you have anything I'm looking for.

FT: Valuables for Trade. These are Pokémon I feel are worth more than a Common, but you can decide. :)

Pokémon I Can Evolve for Trade - Spearow ➡️ Fearow - Abra ➡️ Kadabra - Eevees ➡️ Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Sylveon or Leafeon - Spanish Eevee ➡️ Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Sylveon or Leafeon. - Magikarp ➡️ Gyarados - Munchlax ➡️ Snorlax - Rotom ➡️ Wash, Mower, Refrigerator, Fan, or Microwave Oven - Scatterbugs ➡️ Vivillion

Other Pokémon - Shellder with Water Stone - Haunter - Scyther - Jolteon - Dratini: Cured of PokéRus - Pelipper - Skitty with Moon Stone - Sylveon (Japanese) - Three Orangurus - Salandit - A Dozen Araquanids

Ask if want more info on any of the Pokémon I have and if you feel that any of them are worth more than a Common, here's mySpreadsheet. Please note that I'm looking for Purebreds or Pokémon with NO EMs. Thank you for Reading! Happy Trading

Submitted March 30, 2017 at 05:39AM by The_Kindlegarden pokemontrades